Chapter Six

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Breakfast was amazing. We talked about nothing in particular, just getting to know each other. I told him stories about my dad and a few of the other guys from my hometown. In turn he told me about his family. About his mom, dad and brother.

He talked a little about EZ and his dad. I got the feeling he was holding back, but so had I. It seems like both of us have unresolved issues there. Over all though, I got a glimpse at the man behind the kutte and he was a good man with a big heart. He was just jumbled up about his family but I knew he would do anything for them.

I found myself liking Angel, probably more than I should. My track record with relationships was horrible. I had dated in and out of the MC life, but found normal guys were boring. I never could make one of those relationships work, all two of them. I had dated a prospect back home before he went and got his dick wet in a few to many whores. According to him he had to because I wouldn't give it up. Some men are fucking pigs.

Angel wasn't like Jamison, I knew that right away. He seemed sweet, kind, and like he would be faithful. I knew though that he could be deadly if he had to be. One didn't get the Los asesinos de dios patch by being sweet and kind. (God's assassins)

"So, what do you do for work? I feel like we talked about everything but that." Angel asked as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Well before I moved, my friend Lilly and I owed a lounge bar in Lodi. We played live music three days a week and hired bands other nights. Once a month we would do open mic nights." I explained.

"So what did you do with it now, since you moved and all?"

"Lilly and I still own fifty percent. We do a facetime meeting once a month to go over things but Lilly's cousin Luca runs the place now. We are looking for a place around here to build another one though. Most people love live music, or getting drunk. Either way we make money. It was hard at first, still can be from time to time." I explain.

"Running a business seems like it would have it's challenges. You said you played live music. Like you and your friend?"

"It can be, we just recently started actually turning over an actual profit we could live off of. We didn't originally do it for the money, we did it to have a place to play our music. So yes Lilly and I played music three days a week. We miss it, it's been about 6 months since we got to play. We are hoping that we can get a place together here so we can continue. She's coming down in a couple weeks to help me scout a place. If we find one I think she will find a place to live here. Or so I'm hoping."

"You guys sound close, how come she didn't come down with you?"

"Like sisters. She's going through a divorce actually. She had to stay and finalize the paper work."


"Yeah. She said she wants this to be her fresh start to, away from the piece of shit she married. Her words, not mine."

"But you agree." Angel said with a laugh.

"I do, they were only married two years but it was bad."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I just wish... "

"That you could have saved her the heartbreak?"

"And the bruises. But she would tell you it was a learning experience. She's stubborn."

"He sounds like a piece of shit. So what about you?"

"I've never been married. Never actually had a successful relationship. My last name scares guys away mostly. My dad may be dead but he was still a son, ya know. There still family. My dad spent a lot of years with those guys. Bunch of over protective ass hats that lot, but they were there when my world fell apart. Anyway, you?"

"No. Feels like I always pick the ones who have a motive I'm unaware of."

As odd as it sounds, I never would have thought that a guy like Angel would be screwed over by a woman. Who in there right mind would screw that up. Oh well. Maybe, just maybe her loss could be my gain. Stranger things have happened.

"I've been there. So how about that ride?"

"Sure thing, bebita." (baby girl)

Angel slapped some money on the table and we were off. I couldn't stop smiling, I really like it here. You know on the back of his bike.

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