Chapter Twenty-four

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My Mother sat beside me on the couch as we silently watched the men of both clubs over see the clean up of my kitchen. No one had said a word since Tig and Taza had taken Jay out of the house. Where they took him I didn't know.

I sighed for what seemed like the millioth time in an hour. My mother turned her head tord me and nodded.

"I think we have been silent long enough." She told the room.

"Aye, Kelly. What did he say when he came in?" Chibs asked me from his perch in my kitchen.

"He said it was all my fault. That his club didn't repect him anymore. He said he was gonna kill me and Angel, Tiki too." I tried to leave the exact wording out, but either way the room went to hell. Angel put his fist through the livingroom wall, Tiki turned over my end table and busted my lamp. Tig clenched his fist and Chibs started cussing.

"That's enough to vote for Mayhem."

"Why the fuck wouldn't you say he said that shit when we walked through the door. Better yet why didn't you call the minute you heard his bike Sonia?" Tiki yelled in frustration.

"Don't you fucking think I've lost enough Tiki? I was not going to let him get to the two of you!"

"He was gonna kill you!" Tiki yelled pushing to get closer to me. Hank and Quinn moving to keep us apart.

"And I would have taken that fucked up bastard with me!" I yelled back at him barley a foot away from him.

"What?" My mother asked in a shocked gasp.

"I'd have killed him before he got the chance to hurt Tiki or Angel. Don't you know by now that I would protect mine with my life. Better us both gone than the two of them."

"Let's get something straight right now Sonia, Mi Reina.(my queen) "If the out come of today had been different, I would have torn hell apart to make him suffer for ever taking you from me. You are my life, with out you, all I have is a shiny bike. You are not allowed to risk your life to save mine, it's supposed to be the other way around."

"Angel, I love you. Of course I would fight for you."

"Si, but no more. You understand me bebita?" (baby girl)

"Fine, but I can't make any promises. I couldn't lose you, I can't, I've already lost to much." I said as he pulled me to him and held me tight against his chest.

"We meet today about the mayhem. We can do it over the phone for those that ain't here." Tig spoke up beside Chibs.

"We would like to take part after your meeting." Bishop told Chibs.


"Either way he dies." Angel and Tiki said at the same time.

I couldn't help but laugh. "See you guys already sound like friends."

They both cracked small smiles as Mom took my hand. "Let's get you cleaned up and let them handle their shit." I nodded and followed after her.

In my bathroom my mother helped me out of my ruined clothes and into the shower. She spoke as I washed off the events of this messed up day.

"Sonia, for all that's good in this world do not ever try to sacrifice your life. You fight like hell to come back to me and your brother. You fight with all you have to come back to that man down there because Angel loves you little girl. You gave him quite the scare today. He led the charge here."

"I know he loves me Mom and I love him. I did fight to come back today. I did everything today to come back to him. I did everything Dad and Piney taught me to. Call if nobody notices and fight like a wildcat."

"I know. But we all lost so much baby, we can't lose you to. I love you Sonia Marie."

"I love you too. Now can you hand me that towel." As I stepped out of the shower and wrapped up in the towel she gave me I embraced her.

I don't know how long we stood there but we were both crying when we pulled apart. I smiled through my tears and led her to my bedroom to get changed. I put on some reaper crew sweats and one of Angel's Mayans shirts.

"Best of both huh? Mom asked with a laugh.

"Both my family." I said as I went back with her to check on the men. Mine especially.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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