Chapter 5: Friendly Warning

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Rachel looked both edgy and annoyed as they walked. "Everything alright Rachel?"

"Yeah...actually no"

"What's wrong?"

Rachel gestured to a bench where they both sat down, "Kareena, you seem nice and all that... And I'd hate to see you mess up any chance of being happy and making it far here"

"Excuse me?"


Kareena instinctively rolled her eyes and Rachel stood up before continuing, "Liam and I go way back...he's not in a good place right now and I see the way you look at him Kareena, he doesn't need that in his life right now"

"It's obvious you like him... As more than just a friend, but you have nothing to worry about, I'm sure Liam is more than capable of taking care of himself" Kareena said whilst standing up as well

Rachel sighed, "Just stay away from for you here can be made a living hell"

"You know what Rachel, you don't know me or what I'm capable of, if pushed past my limit. If Liam wants to hang out with me, he's entitled to and if I want to hang out with him, the only person that can change that is him"

Rachel shook her head with a smile, "I guess where your sister handled things with class, you compensate and do the polar opposite"

Kareena frowned, "Leave my sister out of it, involving academy members isn't a smart thing to do"

Rachel laughed and it infuriated Kareena, who gave her a right to bring Maleah into this. Yeah, Maleah is the golden child at home but Kareena was more than capable of fighting her own battles without involving her family

"If you want to go down this road with me Rachel, fine. Stay away from me or you can consider me a 'polar opposite' of a friend to you" Kareena said with emphasis on polar opposite

"Oh honey, you don't want to play that game with me... I don't fight fair"

With that, Kareena turned and left, her anger boiling inside her

Rachel watched her leave and if looks could kill, Kareena wouldn't have been able to walk away at all


Kareena eventually found Zoe and Mark sitting on the grass and dropped down clumsily before laying flat

"What's wrong?" Zoe asked

Kareena stared at the sky motionless

"Earth to Kareena"

"I think I'd better leave, text you later?" Mark asked Zoe

She smiled and nodded, Mark smiled back and then took off

Zoe then gave Kareena a shove, "What did Liam do?"

Kareena sighed and sat up, "It wasn't him, it was Rachel"

"Is that his girlfriend?"

"I don't know, she made it seem that way...she basically threatened to make my life hell here if I didn't stay away from him...I mean who does she think she is?"

"You should report her to the head of our house before anything else happens"

"Do I look like a scaredy-cat to you?"

Zoe shrugged and Kareena playfully punched her

"Besides... I may have said stuff to her as well, that may not exactly be polite..."

Zoe shined her glasses, "So enemies then?"

"If that's the polar opposite of friends" Kareena said with a dry laugh

Zoe nodded and put her glasses back on, "You're better off just avoiding her Kareena... I told you about the hierarchy here"

"I guess you're right" Kareena said with a nod

"So what did Liam need your help with?"

"A duet for the song Mirrors...we wanted you to play the arrangement"

"That would be amazing!"

"It's not going to happen though, I don't need any more drama so I'll be avoiding anyone remotely close to Rachel"

"Understandable...still would have been cool though"

Kareena nodded

"Oh here, I got you a ham and cheese sandwich" Zoe smiled

Kareena took it and immediately devoured it


Rachel walked back in and sat down as though nothing happened

"Everything alright?" Zac asked, half interested

Rachel nodded

"So, Kareena seems nice... " Zac said

Rachel gave him a look that made him regret saying that

"I guess someone is a little jealous" Zac teased

"Shut up Zac"

Chris and Liam turned to face them

"Chill out, it was only a joke"

Rachel rolled her eyes and left as quickly as she came

Chris frowned at Liam

"Better off avoiding her dude, she and Rachel won't gel" Zac said before leaving

"He's got a point Liam..." Chris said with a frown

"Rachel will come around"

"How do you know?"

"Because I'll tell her to, if she doesn't on her own. Besides I get the feeling Kareena doesn't back down from a challenge easily" Liam shrugged

"She should...for this one atleast"

Liam arched an eyebrow

"It's no shocker that Rachel has the hots for you but she's looking out for you here, either way, Kareena will get hurt, you know that. Cut her off before she compromises...anything"

Liam frowned at those words before continuing to pack up

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