Chapter 21: An Early Break For One

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Finally the week of exams had begun and both Kareena and Zoe felt alright with their first paper which they had written in the first session. They were seated on a bank in star section going over notes for their next paper which was to take place the next day

Zoe looked at her watch, “Looks like the second session is going to start in a few minutes”

Kareena added something on the notes that were already written, “I thought Mark wrote in the first session?”

“No, all his exams are second session ones”

“Liam has his mixed between both, I can’t wait to be in final year- won’t have to worry about all the other subjects I’m not interested in pursuing”

“It’s important we learn about it all though, I mean it is all linked”

“I suppose...”

“So how many exams does Liam have to do?” Zoe asked

“All his practicals are done for the semester, he has his major to do and I think its three papers on that, art history and then arts and humanities, so five”

Zoe nodded

“What about Mark?"

"Eight...two for his major, the four other majors offered and then the compulsory two- which he actually enjoys” Zoe laughed

Kareena rolled her eyes, “Trust Mark to be a fan of history and humanities”

“Arts and humanities is actually quite nice...and you have to admit history isn’t all that bad now considering we have Marks notes on it”

“Second year seems to be quite the challenge...I mean we just have the compulsory two and the five majors offered...second years have to do all that whilst taking on an extra one in their choice of major for their last year”

“I’m sure the last year is the hardest, they have the most pracs after all...and on top of pracs, three papers for their major and the other two”

Kareena nodded, “Good point...In that case, I’m glad I’m still in first year”

Zoe didn’t seem to hear her

“What are you thinking about?” Kareena asked whilst poking Zoe

“Seth is majoring in two things meaning he’ll be doing his practical’s, history and humanities, as well as three papers for either major...I was just thinking about how he does it...”

“He’s the only person I know who’s majoring in two things” Kareena said whilst closing the book she was using

Zoe shook her head, “There were a few people in sun also doubling up and I made another friend...Luca- he’s majoring in both singing and dancing so it’s not all that rare, it just makes me wonder if I’m selling myself short...I mean I’ve always wanted to play my instruments but what if there’s a path for me like the one Seth is pursuing...he’s doing both music and mixing”

“I think doing just one is fine Zoe...but if you want to see what it’s all about, you have full access to your mixer of a boyfriend- I’m sure he’ll help you out”

Zoe laughed and looked at her watch once more, “Second session is starting”


Chris walked into his exam room wondering who would be filling in for Maleah for the invigilation. Whilst making his way to his seat at the back; he glanced at Seth who was already seated closest to the windows and staring out of them. He sat down and glanced at his watch and not even a moment later, Maleah Summers walked in holding in her arms, a stack of exam papers and writing material

On the outside, Chris only frowned- yet on the inside, he was completely baffled, “She should have been dead”, he thought

Maleah passed out the writing material and examination papers on everyone’s desks and proceeded to read the instructions, not once making eye contact with Chris- she then prompted them to begin


Once Chris was done, he got up and made his way to Maleah at the front, he placed his papers on her desk and walked away. It was only once his back was to her that she dared to glance at him leaving

Chris made his way to his dorm room and opened his top drawer, he removed his cell phone and put it on.  Notifications immediately flooded his phone, “Shit...”, he muttered before rushing out


Chris entered the main building and requested to see Mr. Grey- he didn’t need to wait very long before he was taken into his office

“What can I do for you Chris?” Mr. Grey asked

“I need to finish my remaining papers today”

Mr. Grey hesitated

“I followed my orders, it’s nothing personal to me. But I need to get back home so can you get me the remaining papers?”

“I’ll just be a moment”, Mr. Grey said before leaving the office


When he returned, he was flipping through four exam papers- “May I ask why you’re in such a rush to leave?”

“Because I’ve been called back”

Mr. Grey placed the papers down, “I expect you won’t be taking too long with them”, he then proceeded to take his seat and return to his work whilst Chris began


“Sure you don’t want to go through them once more?” Mr. Grey asked a few hours later as Chris handed his papers to him

“No...these things don’t matter to me”

Mr. Grey nodded and placed the papers into separate folders, “I know things like this don’t matter to you but have you thought about what does?”

Chris got up, “I know exactly what matters to me...and I know exactly what comes first”

“And I know that deep down, you want to do the right thing and fight for the right cause...”

“You don’t know anything about me”

“I know more about you than you think forget just where I come from”

Chris said nothing to that

“You are a good person...don’t let that change”

“I don’t need a talk about who I am or what greatness I’m capable of attaining”

Mr. Grey sighed and got up, he turned his back to where Chris stood

Chris frowned, knowing inside him that Grey meant well and that he was also right...But he also knew that his hands were tied and so was his loyalty, “I’m going back because she escaped...I wasn’t told to bring her with or anything else, I was just called back- most likely to figure out how...So until then, she’s not on my radar”

Mr. Grey looked up, hopeful... But he didn't turn to show it

“I hope that eases your mind from what you were trying to get at” Chris said before turning to leave

“ know that them calling you back is only the start, you figuring out how she escaped is only the start...”, Mr. Grey started to say, whilst looking out the window

“And if you know how she escaped...” Chris cut him off, “I suggest you keep it to yourself”, he said before leaving the office

Mr. Grey turned back, the slightest of smiles on his face, knowing he was right in all he said about Chris

Sun and Star Academy: Book 1: Sun KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now