Chapter 25: Keep Her Safe!

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When the sun had risen the next day, the king walked with a hard expression on his face, two guards walked ahead of him, most of the staff members were already at work but the guests who were staying at the castle were still asleep, the rest of the villagers had left once the party was over and meals were given to them. He walked into the castle garden and joined Chris; he placed his hands on his hips and frowned at the sight. The garden had been destroyed, every single bit of nature that grew here was replaced by black smoke and black dirt- there was nothing that survived

"It wasn't a fire" Chris said whilst scooping up a handful of dirt to show the king

The king let the dirt fall into his hand, the instant sensation of the cold dirt caused him to frown, he dropped it with a curse, "They were here!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Make sure the queen doesn't see this, it'll upset her too much"

Chris nodded

"Kareena will start her training today- we can't delay it"

Chris nodded once again

"I would have preferred it if Rachel were to begin the training..."

"I can go check how she's doing and maybe you can plan something from there?" Chris suggested

"No, I was going to check on her myself but rather, for today, send Liam to begin with her"

Chris nodded and bowed his head before turning to leave

"Chris..." the king called out

Chris turned back

"Make sure Liam stays on track and handles this properly...I urge you to stay near to supervise the session"

"I will" Chris said with the slightest of frowns before leaving


"What are you talking about?" Liam asked

"They were here, last night, in the gardens- they've destroyed the whole place" Chris replied as they walked together

Sun and Star Academy: Book 1: Sun KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now