Chapter 18: Welcome To My Home, Sun Kingdom

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The long weekend had finally started, Kareena was all packed and Zoe was with her, "If you get the chance, just read over these notes- but try and enjoy yourself as well okay"

Kareena nodded and took the notes from Zoe and put them in her bag

Liam knocked on the door and Zoe opened it, he smiled his greeting, "Ready to go?", he directed at Kareena

Kareena nodded and Liam took her bag

Zoe decided to walk them to the car

"So how long are we going to be travelling for?" Kareena asked

"Not long" Liam called out over his shoulder

"So they live nearby?"

"Not exactly" Liam laughed

"So where exactly are we going?" Kareena asked with a laugh

"To the airport"

Zoe grinned at Kareena

"Liam, you should have told me...I could have paid for my ticket"

"It really wasn't a problem"

"So does this make him rich or super rich?" Zoe whispered

Kareena playfully shoved her

Once outside, Liam put the bags inside his red sports car

Zoe gave Kareena a thumbs up and Kareena laughed before hugging her, "You and Mark better behave"

"I should be giving you that advice" Zoe teased

Liam held open the passenger side door for her and she got in after one last good bye to Zoe

"Enjoy your weekend Zoe" Liam called out

"You too" Zoe said with a wave

Liam got into the driver's seat and without wasting another second, they left


"I am obsessed with your car", Kareena grinned whilst enjoying herself

Liam laughed and took her hand to give it a quick kiss

"Are you going to tell me where you live or wait until we get there so I can see for myself"

"I already told you where I live"

"In another world, I remember" Kareena said with a roll of her eyes

Liam smiled, "Okay then, you can see for yourself"


Seth was putting on a jacket when Renay walked in, "We have a problem"

"What is it?"

"I just bumped into Zoe, one of Kareena's friends and she told me that Liam took Kareena home for the weekend..."

Seth sighed, "This isn't going to end well"

"What do we do?"


"Seth...if he tells her..."

"If he's taking her home, he has to tell her something and knowing Liam, it won't be the truth"

"She's going to be in danger..."

"Not yet"

Renay frowned

"Like I said, Liam won't tell the truth, meaning the things she should know and the things that will cause the danger are the things he's going to leave out"

Sun and Star Academy: Book 1: Sun KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now