Chapter 12: A Transfer

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It was the Monday after the competition and the academy was divided- between students who accepted Kareena as part of the populars and worshipped her, students who loathed her and students who just didn't care. An announcement broke through the Monday morning blues, "Kareena Summers, please report to the Chancellors office", it was repeated once more before the morning went on

"Hi Kareena" Zoe smiled and greeted

Kareena had her eyes glued to her phone screen and merely nodded without a glance in Zoe's direction, she then knocked on the office door and a second later, Mr. Grey opened it, he smiled at Zoe whilst letting Kareena in

"Congratulations on your competiton wins" Mr. Grey said as he closed the door and made his way over to his seat, "Please, sit", he motioned her

"Thanks Mr. Grey, it was an honour to represent the academy" Kareena smiled

"Ahh well, Miss Tiffendell had no doubt you'd win... For either performance", Mr. Grey said whilst opening his top desk drawer and removing a folder, he flipped through it and Kareena waited, "I'm sure you're wondering why you're here"

Kareena smiled awkwardly and watched him remove a single page and scan through it before placing it down

He interlocked his fingers and looked at her as though he was trying to find the words to say what he needed to, "This may seem like old news and I'm not sure what Liam or his collegues have kept you in the loop about with regards to Rachel..."

Kareena immediately took a breath, she didn't need to hear that name right now- everything was going great and she hadn't seen Rachel in a while, which was one of the major reasons everything has been great. "I know she was hurt but that's about it"

"Rachel's injury... was self-inflicted"

Kareena's mouth dropped open

"Now her recovery went by without any problems which brings me to the reason I asked to see're aware it's her last year here and we obviously want all the students to have the best years of their lives here, but the final year for anyone is a major thing...and Rachel is no exception- she should be allowed to enjoy her final year without anything leading to her doing what she did..."

Kareena frowned, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Rachel has expressed her feelings of not being entirely comfortable being in the same house as you...and based on her actions which she blamed on those feelings towards you, it's a matter that we have to look into with great seriousness"

"She's blaming me for hurting herself?" Kareena was in disbelief

"Heads of houses were spoken to, the house presidents, as well as myself...and the majority of the vote is to transfer you into Star"

"What! Me? Why can't she go? She's the one with the problems...This isn't fair Mr.Grey" Kareena snapped

"As I've said, the majority of the votes"

"Liam would have voted against it and Maleah! That has to be enough...Liam is the house president"

"Kareena, the only vote opposing your transfer came from the student president of Star house, that vote, no doubt will sway Mr.Jax and who knows who else- so I am left to decide now"

Kareena bit her bottom lip, "Mr.Grey, please give me a chance to work things out with Rachel...I'll change her mind...Sun house has all my friends in it...and it's become a home to me"

Mr.Grey smiled, "I expect real's a delicate matter"

Kareena nodded eagerly and smiled, "So no transfer right?"

Sun and Star Academy: Book 1: Sun KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now