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Ethel read her poem in class, I really tried to listen to her because she sounded so honest about what she had wrote. But all I could think about were Sweet Pea and Jason. Why did I eve feel bad? Jason cheated on me first. No, I didn't even cheat on him, we aren't together anymore. I should be able to do whatever I want to do.

"Where were you last night? Uncle Harvey and Dana were worried", Betty asked me when that lesson was over.

"Yeah, you didn't come to me or Archie which you normally do. There's no place you would go to.. wait.. no.. you didn't", Jughead looked at me suspiciously.

"I didn't do what?"

"You were with that Serpent."

"Oh uh.. maybe?"

"Wait, you wear his clothes, don't you?", Betty went on, "Did you? You did!"

"No, I just needed a place to stay. What do you think of me, Betts?"

"Elizabeth Malou, you only call me Betts when we're emotional or when you've done something bad. I know you better than you know yourself."

"You sound like my dad."

"And you sound like an annoyed teenager who did something that you regret. You stand here with your two best friends, of course we know what you did", Jughead said.

"I don't know how that happened, okay? I was quite angry about my dad lying to me and Jason playing happy family with Polly and you two being so damn perfect in front of my eyes. You are disgusting when you're happy, did you know that?"

"We love you, too, Liz", Betty chuckled.

"I just.. damn, I don't know what to think", I whispered to them when we entered the lounge.

Luckily, Veronica interrupted me unintentionally, "You three are on time, we're celebrating."

"Archie will be participating in a super exclusive music program this summer", Kevin explained to us."

"It's possible but if I make it, it would be something big."

"Are you going to an audition?", Jug asked confused.

"Not exactly. Mrs. Blossom was here and told me that she would say a good word for me."



"Arch, do you really think this is a good idea? Mrs. and Mr. Blossom can be really manipulative and you will definitely get less than what you give", I doubted that she would keep her promise and will only play with his feelings.

"Yeah, what does she get in return?", Jug helped me.

"I told her that I would escort Cheryl to that family thing. I asked Valerie and she's fine with it."

"So you're a gigolo now, yeah?"

"I do someone a favor for my music, Jug and Liz. And I need relations outside from Riverdale."

"That's how it works in this world, it's only about relations. But they're right, this kind of favor will come at a price."


"I think it's a great idea."

"Thank you, Betty."

"Yeah and when you're there, can you talk to Polly for me? I just want to make sure that she's safe."

"Of course. And don't worry about me, Ronnie and Liz. I can take care of myself. Only because Jason is an ass, doesn't mean his mom won't keep her promise."

"Really nice, Archie. We'll remember those words", I looked at him slightly annoyed to hide the fact that that actually hurt me.

"Hey, Liz, do you want to visit us for dinner? My mom and I invited Ethel, Betty and Kevin. You could come", Veronica invited me.

"And after that, you could come home and talk to Uncle Harvey", Betty added.

"Thank you, Ronnie, I'd love that. But it's a no to you, Betts, I can't look at him right now."

The dinner at the Pembrooke was good actually. I mean, Ethel and Betty talked about their parents fighting a lot but I can't really brag with my own family so we all understood each other. Mrs. Lodge was very hospitable and less judgmental than Aunt Alice. After all, I think Ronnie and I became really good friends that evening.

I didn't even dare to message Sweet Pea after what happened and I was glad that I hadn't seen Jason those two days. He did look for me what I heard from others but after Polly lives with him and  Cheryl announced that they would really be having twins I didn't see a reason why we should talk to each other. That evening I spent at Fred's house. Luckily, he's not that kind of dad who would run to mine as soon as he saw me but he offered me to stay. If anything serious happened, my dad would live in the next house anyways. What made me perplex was that Cheryl stormed into Fred's house calling him sexy I think and the gave Archie a guitar. Fred, Jug and I shared the same opinion.

"Arch, my dad could help you as well. Maybe not with that exact music program but with another. We know enough musicians who could help you", I tried waking him up from his cherry-red dream.

"You don't even talk to your dad. I don't need that advice", he replied harshly.

"She's only trying to help you. Harvey wouldn't ask for any favor in return", Jug agreed with me.

"And the Blossoms tried to ruin my firm, you know that."

"Just try to talk to Mr. Blossom, dad."

"I did that already and he laughed at my face, Archie. Don't even think for a second you would mean something to them. They only use you. You're nothing more than the dirt under their shoes to them. Do what you want to but we only try to help you", Fred counseled his son.

"You need to go back home", Jug asked me the next day in school, "I totally understand you, our dads are so equal but Betty can't do this without you. Her mom freaked out, her dad dismissed her. You're her rock. You don't even need to talk to your dad but Betty needs someone at home who will give her the feeling that your families are not falling apart. This concerns you as well."

"I love Betty and I'd do anything for her but do I really need to sleep in that house to help her? Jug, my mom and my dad were everything that I had and they lied to me. I wish they would take back all the damn things they've bought me and instead of that be honest with me."

"I know but you need each other and without you living in the same house, you're both just hurt."

"Okay, I'll talk to her. But I swear if my dad talks to me I'll hit you for making me go back!"

"That's the side of you I know and partly like", he finally chuckled, "Hey, have you heard from your Serpent lover?"

"Don't call him that, he's not my lover. And no, I didn't text him."

"Maybe you should. You seemed quite happy when you came to school after seeing him."

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