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„You two are on good terms, right?", Betty asked looking between Ronnie me because of what happened in the jacuzzi yesterday.

We were walking through a store in the center of the town while the boys stayed at the house. It's possible that we'll see Archie and Sweet Pea with black eyes again.

„Yeah, I'm fine, just mad at Sweet Pea for taking advantage of the situation. Hey, did I hear you and Juggie finally doing it last night?", I changed the subject, my lips formed to a grin.

„When did it start?", Ronnie asked.

„The night of your baptism", Betty couldn't stop smiling, I was so happy for her.


„Uh huh."

I looked around. The candles were really cute and I rarely had one in our room so I decided to get one. I'd say this would make the perfect romantic atmosphere but as we could see, Sweet Pea and I are not on good terms right now.

„Hi, I'll get this one", I told the boy behind the cash point realizing that he looked good so I started flirting with him, „Oh and what's typical for this town? Maybe something exciting?"

„My grandma makes scones but only during summer for the guests-"

„Oh, I love them!", Ronnie said happily, she knew what I tried to do.

„I usually visit my parents in New York during holiday but I'd consider coming back here again", I went on with a charming smile on my lips.

„Don't you live with them?"

„No, I moved to Riverdale to my cousin", I pointed to Betty who stood next to me and obviously didn't like what's been going on.

„The city of hicks? I bet it's boring there."

„No, it's not", I shook my head, I had to say more.., „What's your name, handsome?"

„Okay, enough flirting. You've had a fight with Sweet Pea but you didn't break up", Betty intervened.

„I'm Cassidy", he replied finally returning a smile, „Will you tell me your name?"

„Elizabeth Specter but for you, Ellie is okay", I gave him my hand before the girls mentally dragged me out of the store, „I hope we'll meet again."

„Don't worry about that, I'm sure we will."

„How was it?", we went back to the subject Betty and Jughead having sex, exciting.

„It's been really nice", she admitted secretively.

„Nice?", Ronnie and I wondered, we'd prefer words such as hot, exciting, maybe even rough, „That's not what we would hear last night."

„Okay.. Do you two remember what I wore when we threw Chuck into the whirlpool?"

„Betty", our jaws dropped surprised, „hot."

„Are you still mad at me?", Sweet Pea asked me when we entered the house, his hands going up and down my arms softly.

I looked at Betty who gave me her „You know it's right"-glance.

„No, It's fine. You just seemed to enjoy it, that's what bothers me."

„Oh, don't tell me you're jealous", he enjoyed the fact that I felt the same as he did when I was around Archie.

„I'm not jealous. I just don't like to share and what's mine, is mine", I pulled him closer to kiss me, „Let's say, I may understand you now."

„Good to hear that", he finally pressed his lips onto mine.

„First, your dad buys the drive-in, now Sunnyside Trailerpark", Jug seemed to be angry when all of us walked out to him, „Just like I thought, he takes over the Southside more and more."

„What? Sunnyside?", Sweet Pea looked at our friend, he lived there.

„Jug, calm dow. So Mr. Lodge is the person who throws them all out?", Archie stepped in.

„No, he cancelled the debts for us and revealed the eviction."

„Well, that's great", Pea shrugged his shoulders.

„Yeah, you can keep your trailers."

„Yes, why would you be so mad?", Veronica asked.

I felt like she knew more about it, Archie and her did. But I couldn't say it for sure so I didn't jump to conclusions.

„Because it's just tactic! He's just promoting himself. He tries to silence me again."

„Damn, Jughead, what kind or narcissist are you!"

„You've attacked Mr. Lodge in your article and asked for redemption. Sounds like he's trying to do that."

Jug looked to Betty and I but I had to admit that although I'm against Hiram Lodge after what my parents have told me about him, we shouldn't talk too bad about him. I've never really met him so why can't he just do something nice for once without people jumping to conclusions? My parents were the ones to tell me stories about Hiram but I couldn't trust them anymore like I did before. So now that I don't have a reliable source, I should listen to his daughter, that should be enough. And why not enjoy the trip for a moment?

„They're right", Betty said quietly.

„Jug, I know what you think but it's good for now. Your dad and the Serpents are happy that's what counts", I tried to calm him down.

„Jug, be happy about the victory and let's celebrate that."

„I've got a boutique hotel in this street so I'm getting fifteen thousands from you", I grinned reaching out for her to give me the money, „Sorry, cousin, don't take it personal."

We had decided to enjoy drinking red wine while playing Monopoly which was quite exciting I'd say. All of us hated to lose so it wouldn't be easy.

„Yeah, I know it's only about the business."

„Oh, that's my mom", Betty looked at the screen of her phone.

„A good advice from an expert: Decline the call", I joked remembering how Alice told me to block Archie and Jug.

„What if it's about Chic?", she sighed.

„That boy may to have had a mother but he's still got a brain", I tried it again but she already spoke to Alice.

„By the way, when are we going to get to know her brother?", V asked.

„Jughead and I met him when we picked the girls up", Sweet Pea started.

„What is he like?"

„To be honest, he's pretty creepy."

„Guys", Betty came back.

„Is everything alright?"

„No, actually not. My mom is totally freaking out because Hiram Lodge just bought the Riverdale Register."

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