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„I've invited Archie already and I would love to have you there, too. Usually, events like that are only for the family. But it's only about me and you're my chose family, I have reserved you seats", Veronica invited us to her baptism during the break.

„What's the dress code?", Kevin asked.

„Catholic-chic, dresses for the girls, a suit for the boys", she smiled at Archie.

I was glad that all of us were back together again so we knew that the kiss between Archie and I didn't mean anything. I was happy with Sweet Pea and him and Ronnie seemed to be happy, too.

„Looks like I look for something completely different than my closet", I sighed, „Betty, can you borrow me a dress?"

„Of course."

„Oh and Liz, I wanted to ask you if you would sing a song with me. Our voices go well together."

I was surprised. Ronnie and I were friends, yes, but me singing at her baptism?


„Oh, okay. Just tell me which song and I'll be ready", I nodded.

FP was holding a speech about that damn head that someone had stolen. Of course, they would say it's the Serpents. My dad was back in town to help.

„Why don't you ask your children what they have to say about it?", Tallboy entered the White Wyrm.

„What's your problem with us, Tallboy?", I rolled my eyes annoyed.

„This shit began with that stupid article! You've started it on Picken's day!"

„It's been a peaceful protest!", Toni made clear, the others stood up ready to defend each other.

„Which didn't help at all! Then your little group went back at night with a ladder and a saw."

„Hey, it wasn't us!", Jug became furious running up to Tallboy pointing at him, „Screw you, Tallboy! You're the tallest man in this room. You wouldn't even need a ladder!"

„Jughead, Tallboy. The last thing we need is that we fight against each other. We're going to find a solution for this", FP intervened.

„You know what we haven't done for a long time?", Pea grinned at me while we were walking home.

„What?", I wondered.

„You didn't come over to my trailer since we we're together again."

„So in other words you missed me, huh?", I grinned knowing that I felt this way.

„Does it ruin my image when I say yes?"

„Kind of but no one heard you, don't worry about that", I laughed laying my hand into his.

„Did you find the person who stole the head already?", I asked Jughead when we met in front of the Wyrm.

„No, not yet. But Betty and I've got an idea. Let's go in so I can tell all of you."

„Okay, guys, we've got news", he started but when everyone turned around we were speechless looking at Penny.

„Jughead Jones and Elizabeth Specter. Did you two think you could get rid of me that easily?"

„Why's the snake charmer here?", we looked at our parents who looked upset, „Dad!"

„I brought her here to help us", Tallboy interrupted Jug.

„We don't her and her kind of help!", I yelled.

Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea sat behind them watching us nervously.

„You've got nothing to say here anymore. You two broke Serpent law and hurt one of us. Penny was about to tell your parents. Show them, Penny, show everyone."

I got a bad feeling when she laid her arm on the table, „There's once been my Serpent tattoo until your kids have cut it off and left me alone in a ditch in Greendale. But I'm still ready to help the Serpents. Tallboy showed me the eviction-"

„I took care of that. We don't need you for it", my mom stopped her.

„Well then it's not okay to just ignore me after what your little princes did, huh Dana?", Penny looked at my mom angrily.

„What's your price, Penny?", FP asked.

„Blood for blood, eye for eye. I want to be a Serpent again and I want them to be thrown out", she grinned at us revengefully, „Oh one last thing, I want their tattoos to be cut off. I want to do it myself with a rusty knife."

„What did you think?!", my dad shouted at Jug and I angrily when they finally arrived at the trailer, „No, wait. You didn't think at all! I'm going to send you back to New York, both of you preferably!"

Jug and I had to wait for our parents to come here and tell us what the Serpents decided for Penny and us. I've never seen anyone so angry because of us. My mom looked heartbroken, she haven't said a word at all since she found out what we did to Penny. FP and dad on the other hand looked like they'd love to lock us up so we wouldn't get into trouble anymore.

„What did they say?", Jug managed to ask.

„What they said? They're going to vote! It's either going to be Penny or you!", FP sounded not even a bit less angry."

„But they saw that they couldn't trust her", I muttered meekly.

„You don't like her, we got that", FP stopped my dad before he could throw something against the wall, „But mutilating a woman? That's not okay! No one's going to forgive you for that!"

„Yeah? Just like captivating a boy who was shot by his own dad?", Jug replied sassily so FP couldn't control himself anymore.

„You've got to learn to keep your damn mouth shut! Tallboy was right! Because of what you wrote the Serpents loose their home!"

„FP.. They use his article-"

„Stop it, Elizabeth. You're not going to say anything about this anymore."

„No, dad. They use Jug's article and the Picken's head as a pretense to justify whatever they wanted to do anyways!"

„Do you think you're heroes now?", dad bashed his fist against the wall making Jug and I jerk nervously.

„You've mutilated a woman! You two make the temple fall down over our damn heads! This is going to be our death someday. Not the Northside, not Penny, only you and your stubbornness."

POISONOUS LOVE II Riverdale [2]Where stories live. Discover now