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„Listen, Sweet Pea-", Archie spoke up when he finally came downstairs as well.

„Just let's forget about it."

„Are you sure?", I wondered.

„Yeah, it happened after we'd broke up. You could do whatever you'd like. I'm not angry."

„So we're on good terms now?", Archie made sure.

„As long as this topic's over now, I'd say yes."

And as I said, they even found some common features such as sports.

„Boys and girls, put your clothes down and your swimsuits on. We're going into the jacuzzi", Veronica grinned when there was a tension between Betty and Jughead.

„Are you really fine?", I asked Sweet Pea when we were in our room again to change our clothes.

„I know you expected me to shout at you and overreact but I lost you because of that last time so I think clearly. I guess if you wanted to be with Archie you'd ask him", he surprised me by being so calm.

„You make me feel even more guilty", I smiled luckily taking his hand, „I love you, Pea."

„You like to say that quite often now, huh?", he chuckled pulling me closer to him.

„Well, I realized how good it sounds", I laid my arms around his waist to look up and kiss him.

Pea was fast to bring up a sexual tension between us by kissing me passionately and taking my top off. I did the same with his shirt, he kissed my neck.

„You should change into a bikini", he let go off me while I had enjoyed the moment.

„We've still got time", I whined playfully, I was just too lucky to have him and wanted to be close to him.

„I know", he grinned enjoying me being not satisfied.

„Is this your kind of payback?"

„I guess."

„That's really mean."

„I don't know about you but I'm feeling way better", Ronnie walked into the jacuzzi relaxed, sat down next to Archie.

Betty laid in Jughead's arms and Sweet Pea had his arms around me.

„Well, I could feel better if someone..", I whispered to Sweet Pea who smiled pleased.

„Okay, time for complete honesty", she started that topic again although I thought we were on good terms, „When Archie told me about the kiss, I have listened to it, accepted it and in the end I wasn't mad at my boy and my girl at all. But did the thought about you two chase me in the past weeks? A little bit, yes. And now you, Liz and Sweet Pea, are feeling the aftermath. So to finally get over it, Sweet pea and I should kiss."

„What?", Archie gasped, „Ronnie, are you serious?"

I almost spit my drink into the jacuzzi while I took a sip, this idea shocked me.

„I don't know if that's such a good idea", Jughead tried to help.

The situation got awkward so fast.

„Veronica and I should kiss", Sweet Pea slowly stood up, „Maybe that would help.. how do you say it in sport, Archie.. create fair conditions."

He enjoyed this way too fast. Maybe I could make him not think of it if I just hit his head agains the stone wall. That was mean, I admit. But Archie and I kissed while we weren't a couple. This wouldn't be fair enough.

„Liz, say something about it", Archie looked at me not wanting anything to happen between them, of course.

„So, you're not angry, Sweet Pea? How about earlier when you said you'd be fine?", I snapped at him annoyed.

„I'm really not mad. Why should I?"

I gave him my „Oh really I know you're lying, don't act like that"-glance, „Well.."

„Guys, we're all humans", Jughead stepped in changing his mind, „What if Sweet Pea would hold the kiss against you in the future? What if Veronica would, Archie? A SweetVee kiss right now could be exactly what is needed to prevent the future Swellie from imploding."

Swellie? What the heck was going on on his mind? If look could kill, I'd need a new best friend.

„Exactly what I say", Pea looked over to me, „It's just a stupid kiss, right?"

„Okay, you know what? Do whatever you want to do but I'm not going to watch this. All of us had broken up when it happened and both of you said you were fine", I let it out annoyed walking out of the water.

„Liz", Betty called but I didn't care about it anymore.

If Sweet Pea just enjoyed it a little less, I could maybe understand it but her didn't do it for us like Jug said, he just wanted to kiss Veronica.

„Hey, babe", Sweet Pea came back into our bedroom about half an hour later, they must have had fun, „Are you still upset?"

I rolled my eyes, I was already laying in bed and trying to sleep so I could stop thinking about it.

„Liz, come on. That was only fair", he said softly laying down in the bed next to me.

„Fair, really? You didn't kiss her because of Archie and I. You did that to make yourself feel better than Archie and to kiss someone, Veronica, with a free ride because you wanted to kiss someone else than me."

„That's not true, come on. I don't care about Veronica-"

„Then it's your masculinity and her body. Whatever it is, that wasn't fair to Archie and I."

„You didn't even tell me so don't speak of fairness."

„Good, I won't speak at all now, I want to sleep", I muttered and turned around.

„Girls, we're going shopping", Veronica told Betty and I in the morning, „André and Diego didn't leave like I told them to and Archie knew about it. We need some time for us without any testosterone filled idiots."

„I'm in", I stood up quickly, everything was better than to be alone with the boys right now.

POISONOUS LOVE II Riverdale [2]Where stories live. Discover now