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Betty and I met at Riverdale High so I could pick her up and drive us home. My dad had suggested to buy her a car as well but Alice of course hated that idea so I drove us everywhere. When we walked through the door to our home, the atmosphere changed, it became tense.

"What's wrong?", we looked at our parents standing there worried with a paper in Hal's hand.

"Alice got a fan mail", he gave his wife the paper.

"He calls himself blackhood and he wants us to print this letter. Everyone should know that he shot Fred Andrews, Moose, Midge and that he killed Geraldine Grundy."

"And you're sure that this is genuine?", I asked looking at the letters.

"Yes, absolutely", my mom whispered pointing to Alice showing us Fred's wallet and Mrs. Grundy's sunglasses.

"Mrs. Specter, I've read your and Mr. Jones' essay, I'm impressed. So much that I thought about revive the Red and Black. But no gangs and no Jingle Jangle", our English teacher told me in the hallway.

"Thank you! Jug will be so happy about it. Don't worry, we're not in a gang and we definitely don't consume Jingle Jangle", I promised him.

"You made it, Jug", I smiled at my friend, "You're now officially the new writer for the Red and Black. It's not the New York Times office but it'll be good."

"At least you've built yourself a safe haven, respect", Toni joined us with coffees in her hands.

"Yeah, I only need a photographer with an unbelievable eye and hunger for social justice. Then I've got it", Jug grinned at my sister looking really happy for once, I liked that smile on his face.

"Topaz, let's go. Jones, Specter, are you coming with us? We're going to the quarry", Sweet Pea and the boys entered the room.

"Uh, I don't have my beach body yet."

"I stick with my friend", I joined him provoking Sweet Pea.

"What's your deal? You ask the Serpents for help but you can't hang around with us? Do't crawl back with your heads in the hands when some Ghoulies want to earn respect by beating up FP's son and Harvey's little princess."

"Great, we've got the message, Sweet Pea. Daddy's little girl Specter won't crawl back to you but stay with her real friends."

"We appreciate what the Serpents have done for us and FP but that's it, okay? We're not going to do someone a favor anymore."

"Hey, their decision is clear", Toni stopped Sweet Pea from running up to Jug, "Get it, Sweet Pea, he's not into you. We'll meet later, guys."

"Jug, should we leave?", I yawned, it's almost been midnight.

"Good idea actually. Hey, what happened between you and Sweet Pea? Weren't you on cloud nine with your loverboy?"

"We had a fight yesterday but it's not a big deal."

"Why? Was he jealous that you and I sat together?", Jug joked not understanding that that was the truth.

"That's why he called me a hypocrite, yes. And things went on, of course we attacked each other."

"Are you happy with him besides this fight?", my friend looked at me with a warm look on his face.

"I am, actually. I mean I can trust him and he's there for me when I need him and-", I stopped when I realized that I shouldn't let a stupid fight like this ruin our relationship, "He makes me feel safe, Juggy."

"Come on, let's go home. You have to talk to him tomorrow."

The hallway was empty, the lights out. Southside High seemed to be even more dangerous at night. We closed each door. Something gave us a weird feeling that we weren't alone so we hurried to the entrance. It was closed by a padlock, amazing.

"Let's walk through the yard", I whispered but as soon as we changed our way someone hit Jug in the face.

I couldn't just let him or myself get hurt, they didn't care about me being a girl or us being weaker than them so I tried my best to persuade them into leaving us alone.

"Listen guys, you don't really want to hurt us. If Malachai found out about that he would pretty much do the same to you since I mean something to him. So would you, for your own sake, leave us alone?"

Nice try, I thought.

"Ace, the Serpent princess asks you for a favor", one of them laughed, "You should ask your brother about her."

"You know what? The fact that my brother's keen on you makes me even enjoy this moment."

"Can't you two just stay at home for today?", Betty looked at us worried cleaning up Jug.

Both of us shared a black eye and many bruises but we still acted cool of course.

"It's not that bad", he told her relaxed with one arm on the couch, "A few cuts and bruises."

Yeah, I forgot about the cuts.

"I've told you two driving the motorbike is dangerous! Liz, you've even got a car, why wouldn't you just take that? And you promised to wear a helmet. If I didn't know the truth, I would believe that you two are twins."

"We thought driving the bike would be cool. We just drove down the streets and back. Don't blame us, there's been a pothole", I came up with an excuse, she would believe that.

"I almost thought that you were attacked by those creepies-"

"Ghoulies but the Serpents wouldn't let them do that. We stand behind these two even though they are no Serpents. That's loyalty to our family."

"Well okay.. I have to go to school now and talk to Kevin. Toni, can you look after them for me please?"

"Of course. You heard her, kids, I'm the boss now."

"Hey, I'll drive you to school, Betts", I offered her although it's actually a routine between us.

"Thank you, Toni. And it's alright, you better stay at home now", my cousin looked at me seriously.

"Don't tell her", Jug bade Toni, "She doesn't need to know."

"We warned you about the Ghoulies. You'll take them more serious now."

"Yeah, we will."

When Toni left the trailer,  Jug turned to me, "What did you mean about a guy called Mike yesterday?"

I sighed, "His name is Malachai. He's the leader of the Ghoulies."

"And you know him?"

"Well.. We were dating about two years ago. Don't tell anyone please, only Betty knows about it. You probably understand the complexity, our dads being Serpents, my ex-boyfriend being a Ghoulie. I thought it would help us so they would let go of me but Ace hates me since the day I got to know him so it was useless anyways."

"How did you get to know him?"

"That's a story for another time, Jug. Your my best friend but I still want you to see me as a normal person not a young, dumb girl running around."

"You're not dumb or a just a young girl, Ellie. No matter what you do I always have the highest respect for you. You're smart, funny, kind, adventurous, loyal, honest and so much more. You could do something so dumb that you have to face serious consequences and you'd still be the best in my eyes. Let's go to school before you start crying."

"Is this seat taken?", we looked at Sweet Pea and Toni on the next day pointing to the chair next to them.

Toni took her bag over to the other side so Jug could sit next to her and I placed myself next to my boyfriend who laid his arm around my slowly. Jug and I looked ashamed, Sweet Pea was smiling about the fact that he was right but he told me about how he was sorry so I only I could hear it.

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