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When Ronnie broke down because of Ethel's dad trying to kill himself, Betty and I followed her, hugged her, were there for her. And it felt good to help Veronica, no matter what the problem was but we were finally friends comforting each other without feeling the need to justify ourselves. We bought flowers together so we could visit Ethel in the hospital to support her.

"That's very nice of you", her mom forced a smile for us.

"Ethel, Mrs. Muggs, there's something that I need to tell you", Ronnie suddenly turned around when we were actually about to leave, "My name is Veronica Lodge. My father is-"

"Hiram Lodge", Ethel's mom almost cried, "And you dare to come here?"

"Mom, her, Betty and Liz are my friends-"

"As in the infamous daughter of Harvey Specter?", she continued even more devastated.

"He's my dad but why-"

"They're not your friends. Their dads are criminals, the reason why your dad did that to all of us."

"Is that true?"

"Yes", Ronnie's cheeks were actually full of tears.

"I have no idea, Mrs. Muggs, what-"

"Oh your dad is the worst of them all! His money, your pretty sports car is sponsored by us. When we were in trouble with Hiram, he was to one to fleece us for legal support. All of that money for nothing although we already lost it to the Lodge's, you still got the last bits."

"I didn't know.. we're so sorry..-"

"Saying sorry doesn't make it unhappen. If you want to do something, then tell the truth! Your dads ruin lives, they deserve to spend their life in prison!"

When Jug, Betty and I arrived at home, we brought good news about Polly. I, on the other hand, could only think about what Mrs. Muggs said about my dad. He was a good person, all my life he's been there with us but after he lied to me.. Wasn't it possible that what she said was right?

"Elizabeth!", mom called when we came through the door, "You're here."

"Yeah, I'm here" I coldly looked at them while Jug and Betty were talking to Alice.

"We understand that you're still hurt, mija, but-"

"Did you fleece Ethel Muggs' dad? Are you the reason why he tried to commit suicide, dad?"

"What? No, of course we're not. Unlike Hiram Lodge we're good people. We make money the right way, you know that", my dad looked at me surprised.

"Mrs. Muggs said that Hiram and you are the reason why her husband did that to himself. After he's lost everything to Hiram, he came to you but you only asked for more money", I told her story harshly, "Tell me, dad, is all of this - the apartment in New York, our cars, the clothes - only ours because you fleece people?"

"Elizabeth!", my mom suddenly stopped me angrily, "As your dad said, we're good people. Mrs. Muggs asked us for help because we went to the same high school. But a lawyer costs what a lawyer costs especially in New York. We told her that there was no way that we could proceed against Hiram because she had no evidence. We are on her side but we couldn't do that. She knew that but came back and asked for help and of course that costs money."

"Is that true? Is it really that easy? She said that you and Hiram should be in prison."

"She was angry. Hiram might be a bad person but we're not. I know we lied to you but maybe someday you will understand why we did that."

"No more lies from now on?"

"We promise you, mija."

On the next day Archie told us his suspicion. He heard the Blossoms say something about Ronnie's dad so he thought that they were the reason for him being in prison. So Mr. Lodge could have taken revenge by hurting Jason. It sounded too easy to be real but we would follow that suspicion.

"Oh and Liz", Archie stopped me before we left the Blue and Gold room, "I'm sorry. You were right as always. But Jason asked me to talk to you. He really wants to see you."

"I'll talk to him", I finally gave in because he wouldn't stop asking, "It's okay, Archie. We're friends and I know I've hurt you when I wasn't there for the talent show but I'm still here to support you. But please do that without selling your soul to people who really treat you bad. You deserve better."

"You do, too."

"You wanted to talk to me?", I walked next to Jason in the hall after I had finally found him.

"You do actually talk to me?", he replied surprised.

"I would love to go but you even forced Archie to persuade me so here I am. Waiting for your five minute explanation. Then I will tell you that it doesn't change anything at all and our ways will part again", I didn't even sound mad, maybe I got used to this, couldn't change the situation anyways.

"I hope they won't", he looked at me with a hint of hope in his eyes, we stood at his locker now, "You're right that I'm an idiot so I won't tell you what everyone would say like that I had a weak moment when I saw Polly. We were drunk at a party when you were in New York and she wanted me back. I mean she was the one to come to me but it's still my fault, I know. And when she told me she was pregnant I just knew I couldn't tell you because I regretted being with Polly as soon as I realized what had happened. We needed to leave, I thought it would be easier for you to forget me than if I told you what happened. I just.. I love you, Liz, that never changed."

"I could maybe get over it if you were honest with me. That would have changed everything. It broke my heart when Cheryl said you were dead, I believed that for a whole week until suddenly you were found in a hospital. I was so worried about you, Jason, and I still am because I know that you know more than you say and no one knows why you put yourself in such danger. Sheriff Keller interrogated me. Even then you still lied about that."

"I just can't say anything about it. You all need to let go of that."

"How can I let go of my boyfriend almost being murdered? Tell me, Jason, what would someone have against you to pretend that you have an amnesia? That person could be in prison!"

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't want to put you through all of this."

"I've heard that plenty of times but you just keep on lying. Please just leave me alone as long as you do that", I only whispered disappointed before I decided to go somewhere, where people hopefully won't lie to me.

POISONOUS LOVE II Riverdale [2]Where stories live. Discover now