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„Our Shadow Lake Chalet is rustic but it's got a magnificent view on the mountains and the lake", Ronnie offered us to go to their house for a couple's trip.

„That sounds like heaven on earth, V", Betty was fascinated, „What do you say, Jug?"

„If it's alright for your dad", he sighed knowing how much Betty wanted to go there.

„It was him who suggested that we should go all together", Archie said.

„Yeah, so you two are in. Liz, how about Sweet Pea and you?", Veronica looked at me eagerly.

„Uh, I don't know.. It's a great idea but we're just back together for a few days and you know what the Serpents think of the Bulldogs", I mumbled, more like what Sweet Pea thinks of Archie.

„No, no, no. This is not going to be about the Serpents or the Bulldogs. This weekend will only be about us girls and the boys combined to a lovely couple weekend. And you have to come!"

„I guess I will ask Sweet Pea if that's okay for all of you."

„And don't forget, a luxury weekend is about calming down and forgetting the pressure around us."

„Luxus and weekend, two of my favorite words", Cheryl stormed in happily, „So where are we going and how extra ordinary does my wardrobe have to be?"

„Sorry, Cheryl, this is something like a romantic, for couples only weekend."

„Oh, I understand, of course. That's my fault. Well then have fun."

„Babe", I walked up to Sweet Pea's locker, slowly closing it so he would focus on me, „How are we feeling today?"

I knew Veronica wouldn't stop asking about us so I had to persuade him. And a weekend away from home was music to my ears.

„What plans do you have now?", replied knowingly that there was more behind my simple question.

„Ronnie invited Betty, Jug, you and I to a romantic couple weekend at the Lodge's residence. They've got a house inside the wood with the perfect view to the lake."

„And you really want to go there? I mean Jughead and I with three girls-"

„Actually.. Archie and Ronnie are back together."

„Oh, great, redhead.."

„Pea, they're back together, we're back together, nothing's going on between Archie and I. Maybe you could find some common features. Jug's also here and he's your friend."

„Jones my friend?"

„I know you only accept Fangs and Toni as your friends but we both know you see Jughead as a friend so don't deny it", I chuckled pouting as cute as I could, „I'd love to spend some time with my friends and my boyfriend."

„You owe me", he gave in before I kissed him happily.

„When I was younger, we came here every summer when my dad wanted to sneak away for a weekend", Ronnie told us looking at the lake when we arrived.

I knew André who drove but there was another man who I didn't know. Although it felt like I have met him somewhere already..

„She didn't make jokes, it's really the last house on the left side", Jughead marveled.

„I have to admit, it's not as bad yet", Sweet Pea whispered in my ear, kissed my temple, „But I've got plans for only the two of us."

„Well I'd like to hear them for sure", I grinned like a child being glad that we finally fixed our problems.

„I'll help you with the bags", André offered.

„No, we're doing that on our own", V insisted but then looked at Archie so he would do it.

„Pea", I imitated her playfully and quietly so only the two of us laughed.

„Bye André, bye Diego. We'll see you on Sunday at seven and not a second earlier."


„Betty, Liz, it's even prettier on the inside."

„Oh my god", Betty gasped.

„Well, I'm impressed. I have to say, this is a wonderful place", I admitted surprised.

„Welcome to what I so humbly call the Lodge lodge."

Pea's phone rang so he left the room. It's probably Fangs so I didn't care about it.

„Hey, V, who was Diego?", I asked cautiously narrowing my eyebrows since I remembered Tallboy's words to my mom which had changed her, Diego Sanchez your brother.

„You don't know him? That's your uncle, silly. I wondered why you didn't talk to each other. Him and my dad are friends", she smiled naturally.

„Yeah, I haven't met him before that's why", I waved it off on our way outside to look for my boyfriend, „Pea, what happened? Is everything alright?"

„That was Cheryl. She said you and Archie kissed at Pop's", he said even without any emotion in his voice.

Everyone looked at us and I knew I should have told him earlier. I know it's dumb but I never thought he'd find out so he wouldn't see a reason to be jealous.

„Can we talk inside?", I asked him as guilty as I was.

Instead of answering he took his bag and walked to the bedroom that we shared. I didn't look at the others because I felt guilty towards Ronnie as well.

„Do you want the right or the left side of the bed?", Pea asked normally.

I sighed, „Can we just talk about it? Why don't you freak out?"

„Liz..", Sweet Pea sighed heavily, „I don't get why you didn't tell me. Just this week you promised me that there would be nothing between you. You said we could find common features. Well, maybe we've got the same love interest."

„No, there's really nothing between us. It's been a short kiss, it didn't mean anything. We were both frustrated about you and I and Archie and Ronnie breaking up. So we talked about it and wanted to make clear that we didn't feel anything for each other anymore."

„So you needed to kiss him to find out who you like? I should have known it. I didn't even want to come here."

„I'm sorry, Sweet Pea, I fucked up. I should have told you or in other words not even kissed him. And I shouldn't have persuaded you to come here. I thought it would help us.."

„Help us that you kiss that guy that I knew you like?"

„I don't like him! I really don't. I want to be with you and only you. It wasn't fair of me to not tell you about it but you have to believe me that I did that because I thought it was the best for the both of us. I thought this weekend would be good for us."

„I really don't want to fight anymore", Pea rubbed his temples frustrated.

I sat down on the bed next to him, slowly laying his hand into mine, „And I really regret it."

„Let's just unpack our bags, alright."

„Hey, guys", I walked downstairs to meet my four friends.

„Hey", they replied weirdly, „How did it go?"

„Well, you didn't hear us fight, right? I think it's fine", I explained weirdly, „Hey, V, I'm sorry-"

„No, we're good. Archie told me what happened before we got back together. The kiss happened, it's no one's fault."

„Okay, thanks. Now I'm really relieved."

„Good because you have to try my Jalapeño Margaritas. Who wants one?"

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