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Hey, guys! So this will be an interesting chapter I think. I know Toni and Penny don't really look alike but I don't mind that. I just hope that you won't think it's too crazy and read on. If anyone wants to leave feedback, I'd be happy about that. Thank you x


The last time that I went to the White Wyrm I found out about my dad being a Serpent and Sweet Pea lying to me. Maybe this time would be better. I drove there in my car and of course, some of the Serpents looked at me weirdly for that while I still sat in it. Somehow I was still too shy to go in there. Sweet Pea and I hadn't talked since I left in the morning to go to school. How would he react? Why was I even here? He hadn't messaged me so he didn't want to me see. It's easy, isn't it? But on the other hand, I did the same but still came here to see him so.. Why did I become so nervous? It's not like I liked him that much, he's just a friend to me. While I sat in the driver's seat, someone knocked against my window.

"I get that your car is great but do you really want to stay in there or come in?", Sweet Pea pointed to the entrance so I grabbed my bag fast and finally got out of my car.

"Sorry, I was so distracted thinking of something", I weirdly start, "Oh uh I should say hello first."

"I know it's weird because of what happened last time we saw each other. You weren't there when I woke up so I didn't know if I should have sent you a message or whatever."

"I had to leave for school at seven, didn't want to wake you that early", I made up an explanation although this was actually the truth.

"I know that Blossom boy hurt you from what I know but I wouldn't do that. And even though people think Serpents are bad and don't show any emotions, I'm just not like that. If you let me-"

"Sweet Pea, are you coming?", someone shouted from the place where all of the motorbikes were.

"Give me a second", he shouted back, then turned to me, "I'd just be a better boyfriend to you if you gave me the chance."

My jaw dropped, I just stared at him continuing making this situation even more awkward.

"Just think about it, I know I'm quite fast. I'll see you in there when I'm done with the others?"

"Yeah, I'll just go and get drinks", I smiled at him before he walked away.

"Hey, can I get a water please?", I asked the girl at the bar who looked just the same age as Sweet Pea and I.

She chuckled turning around until she gave me a small glass which definitely wasn't water.

"You look like you need it", she smiled at me sympathetically so I didn't deny it.

"Thank you, I really needed that", I laughed a little.

"I know Sweet Pea can be really confusing. He's that tall bad boy who always looks like he's annoyed but he actually likes you."

"You know him?"

"A Serpent knows every Serpent and the other way around and we're actually friends. So by looking at your face, he asked you to be his girlfriend."

"Did he? I'm not sure. He just said he'd be a better boyfriend if I let him so I have no idea if that's his intention."

The girl laughed, "He totally asked you out. That's just the way he asks, he won't ask you directly."

"Can you give me another drink?", I just shook my head frustrated because I had no idea what I wanted or what I felt, "By the way I'm-"

"Liz, I know. Everyone knows you. Your dad is our leader, remember? I'm Toni Topaz."

"Yeah, how could I forget that", I laughed, "I like your name, it just fits perfectly."

"Toni, that's enough for her, don't you think?", my dad came over to us - that was still weird for me.. being in a bar with my dad, is that normal? -  he looked pretty serious.

"I'm alright, dad. I actually like this, now. And I love Toni's hair."

"Harvey, man!", some other boy, who seemed drunk, appeared laying his arm around my dad's shoulder, "With Liz becoming Sweet Pea's girl now, you'll have a Serpent to be your son-in-law and it's great to see that you finally told the girls that they're half-sisters!"

Toni and dad looked at the boy shocked and at the same time angrily. What did the boy just say? The girls are sisters. I looked around but there was no one else around us, the others  were playing pool.

"Just go away, Fangs, before he'll kill you", Toni warned the boy.

I've heard that name before.. Fangs as in Sweet Pea's friend?

"Shit, Topaz, she didn't know? You're right, he has his "I'm angry" face on so bye. I'll see you around, Liz!"

"Uh.. yeah, bye?"

I looked at dad, "Didn't you want to start being honest with me just yesterday? Tell me, dad, is that true? If so, did you fucking cheat on mom? Because if you did, I swear-"

"I didn't!", he looked at me shocked about what I just said, "I'd never do that to your mom. You know what an awful person I think that your grandmother is for cheating on my own dad. It's a longer story, Elizabeth."

"Wait, did she know it?", I pointed to Toni, "You are honest with her but not with me?"

"Your mom and I tried to find a good way to tell you after you came home yesterday but the truth is that there's no good way to do so. Yes, you're half-sisters, Toni is my daughter. Let's not discuss this here, your mom should be with us."

"Can I trust you that there really is a good reason?"

"There is", Toni stepped in, "You can trust me."

"I'll give it a go. It's not like I'm really surprised that there is another secret. Riverdale's full of it so let's see what that explanation looks like."

"As you know, Alice had a child when she was sixteen which she gave up for adoption. Before I went out with your mom I had a girlfriend, her name was Penny, she's a Serpent and lawyer by the way. Your grandfather was from the Southside, lead the Serpents with Jughead's, before FP and I took over. I always liked your mom but she was with Lodge. When we became a couple, Penny told me she was pregnant. But she didn't just tell me, she tried to make me stay with her. I told her I want to take care of the child but that doesn't mean that we had to be together. Well, she was mad, we went to court. Only one of would get sole custody and the risk was too high for me so we I saw myself forced to agree with her that Antoinette would be raised by Penny's uncle who was on my side. The deal was that Penny would never get the chance to raise her and I could only visit her on days like Christmas but I wasn't allowed to tell her about anything until she was fourteen. Even I am not perfect, just tried my best to protect you two."

"But dad, you're one of the best lawyers, you've never lost a case-"

"Because I never cared about those cases. I wanted to win, that's it. But I couldn't risk losing my child to Penny forever. I'm not a perfect father but Penny wouldn't have cared about her as much as Dana and I do."

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