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"Good morning, my dear aunt Alice, my beloved cousin Betty", I danced with joy to the kitchen after Sweet Pea had dropped me off."

"You're behaving weird", Alice looked at me from my head to my toe, "But I don't complain about some positivity. What have you two been doing yesterday after the jubilee?"

"I visited FP", I shortly started because I knew that Betty's story would be so much more interesting to Alice than mine.

"We were at Pops and went back to FP's trailer afterwards", she suppressed a smile.

"Oh.. uh.. Betty, if the beanie wearing rascal has disgraced you, please tell me that you protected yourself."

I told myself not to laugh but I couldn't help it, Betty and Alice were hilarious. I bursted out laughing, enjoyed this scene too much.

"No, mom, we haven't.. I mean, we would have almost done it but we were interrupted", she committed shyly, looked at me, "And you don't need to laugh, little miss mischievous. You and Sweet Pea started it so much earlier."

"What did you and Sweet Pea start so early?", my dad came around the corner - well, thank you, Betty.

"Nothing", I quickly said, a little too fast for his liking.


"Turns out they did it", she stressed so my dad would understand, "At least Betty was saved by.. Who interrupted you?"

"The Southside Serpents."

"Excuse me? By those criminals? I knew that Jughead would become the same criminals as FP is. Like father, like son. Especially with a snake around their necks."

I looked at dad to see his reaction to Alice calling them criminals, he only rolled his eyes.

"Which Serpents?"

"I only knew Sweet Pea, Toni and Fangs. A tall boy - I believe that was even his name - gave Jug and I Serpent jackets."

"I'll deal with that later", dad told mom, turned to Alice then, "Why don't you just do us a favor and stop spreading lies about FP, Alice? If you don't do it for Betty or us because he's family, then please do it for the fact that your eyes for glued to his lips."

"Excuse me, what?!", Betty and I spitted out our orange juice at the same time.

We couldn't wait for an answer because of my phone ringing.

"If that's beanie boy, you need to block him!"

"Calm down, it's Archie", I rolled my eyes just like my dad did before.

"Block him, too."

"Liz, can you hear me? I need you. You need to come to the hospital. My dad, he-"

"What's with your dad, Archie?"

"He.. please, come. We need you and the others", I heard him sob before he hung up.

"Something happened to Fred, we need to go to the hospital. I'm texting Veronica and Jug", I told everyone around me hectically, immediately standing up to get dressed.

"Our conversation about Sweet Pea and you hasn't ended, mija. We're going to have that talk afterwards", my dad reminded me when we sat in the car.

When the four of us arrived in the waiting room with our parents behind us, we saw Archie standing there, his jacket, face and hands covered by blood - a lot of blood.

"It made me nervous when the two of you said that you wanted to meet me in the hospital", Tallboy 'welcomed' us.

"You told us that the Serpents would always have our backs. Does this promise count for someone who's like our brother and a man who's a second dad to us?"

POISONOUS LOVE II Riverdale [2]Where stories live. Discover now