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„My mom loses her mind, my dad won't answer the phone. Veronica did you know that your dad wanted to buy the Register?"

„What? No, of course I didn't."

„See, that's exactly what I mean."

„Calm down, Jughead."

„Guys, we all need to calm down for a moment", I tried to stay cool but the situation looked like Veronica should bring us her so Hiram had Riverdale for himself.

„Save it, Archie", Jug and Betty ignored our attempts to make the situation a bit better.

„Is this the reason why you brought us here?", Betty accused Veronica.

„Yes", Jug helped her.

„So your dad could do his business? And what's got aunt Dana's family to do with it?"

„I don't want to accuse anybody but I think about that, too", I nodded lightly.

„That's crazy guys. Also why would I know more about your family than you do?", Veronica tried to defend herself.

„Lodge industries has bought a lot of properties on the Southside", Sweet Pea stated.

„And now he buys the only newspaper in this town so no one can report about what he's doing", Jug finished Pea's thoughts, „A classic tactic of gangsters and criminals."

„Pipe down, Jughead."

„Those are facts! And you would understand it as well if you would stop kissing Hiram Lodge's ass for two seconds!"

„Okay so you're mad at my dad for spending his money as he wants to spend it but you do't care about the fact that Liz's family is more involved in this?", Veronica rolled her eyes.

„Hey, there are differences, Veronica. My mom and my dad are good people. It's not their fault that my mom's brother and your dad are trying to drag us down!", I freaked out, her talking about my family was too much.

„How often have I already defended you?", Betty looked at her disappointed, „And now you're stabbing our family in the back?!"

„Sounds like you should be mad at your dad for selling the newspaper and not mine."

„Yeah, it's not a crime to buy a newspaper", Archie helped Veronica again.. did he not see it?, „Come on guys."

„He wants to silence the press, Archie. He wants to stop Mrs. Cooper from researching.

„I'm so done with your revenge campaign against my dad. He's done a lot of good things!"

„Oh, what for example? Trying to destroy a family doesn't count", I retorted as loud as they were, „Name one thing."


„He paid my dad's medical bills!"

I laughed ironically, „Seriously, Archie? I heard my parents talking about how Hermione Lodge stopped the payment. It's been my parents who paid for that! Because they are friends, they actually wanted to help your dad, not manipulate you."

„Man, Archie, Veronica's got you wrapped around her little finger."

„And other parts of her body."

Oh, Betty.

„What was that? I'm sorry that we don't spend our time feeling bored and holding hands while we watch documentaries about serial killers. Oh and wear costumes for role plays to have fun", okay that was too much, „Or in Specter's case to dance erotically in front of a crowd half-naked, get drunk and kiss someone else's boyfriend."

Before I or Sweet Pea could even freak out again, we heard glass shatter.

„What was that?"

„Does anyone else know that we're here?"

„Why do you ask that, Archie?"

„Oh my god."

As soon as we saw some boys walking inside the living room, one of them holding an axe, we took a few steps back, each of us closer to our partner.

„You rich summer guests never learn something", a familiar voice said, „You run around the city with more money in your purse than we earn in a whole year. We take what we want and then we leave. And when you're well-behaved, we won't smash anyone's brains in."

The boys stood in front us protectively, Sweet Pea looked down at me as if he had to check if I was still here.

„Okay, take whatever you want, we won't cause you trouble."

„Where's your portemonnaie?", the boy looked at me, then to Veronica.

„Mine's up in the bedroom", she stuttered, I nodded.

„Then we'll go to the bedroom."

„No, you're not going anywhere with her alone", Sweet Pea stepped in, „I'm going."

„Pea, Archie, it's alright. Veronica and I will be okay", I whispered, „We're back in a few seconds. I want everyone to stay calm."

Veronica walked first, I followed. The boy shoved her into the one bedroom but followed me into the other one.

„It's over there in my bag. I'll bring it to you", I told him, „Why do you do that? I recognize you, Cassidy."

„Give me your stupid portemonnaie."

„It's a shame, I thought you were really cute in that store. Just tell me, why would you break into this house? Why not another one?"

He pulled me over holding my arm roughly, „What do you think, huh? It's been you who told me her name so proudly. One little click on the internet and I knew everything about your family. Then you're here with the Lodge's daughter, what a wonderful day for me."

„Note to myself, never flirt with a cashier ever again", I rolled my eyes when he dragged Veronica and I downstairs.

„Can we go now?", one of the other boys shouted over to Cassidy when we stood next to the boys again.

„Do you have the money?"

„Yeah, I've got the money."

„Then you've got what you wanted", Archie said back, he must be even more tense after what happened to his dad.

„Oh no, not everything, not yet. Everyone on their knees, go."

„Come on, stop it."

„Shut up! I said down on your knees, hands on your back. Go!", Cassidy shouted at us that even Sweet Pea did what he said.

One of the boys handed him the baseball bat.

„It's a wonderful lodge. Could need a little chaos", he smiled but was stopped by an alarm, „What the hell is that?"

„That's the security firm which calls because of the silent transmission that I've caused", Veronica told him, thanks V, „I'd say you idiots have got thirty seconds to run away before people arrive who usually shoot immediately and never ask questions."

„Fuck you, rich bitch", he said angrily taking her necklace, then looked over to me and pulled me away from Sweet Pea.

„Let go of her!", he shouted at him but was hit with the baseball bat, so Cassidy could drag me with him, „Your parents will pay more ransom money."

He threw me over his shoulders and started to run away. No matter how hard I hit his back or moved my legs, he wouldn't stop holding me, he wouldn't stop running away. There was nothing I could do. Even when I tried to move my body to the side, he didn't fall over or let go of me.

„Archie!", I screamed when I saw him running closer to us until he ran us over.

He moved me to the side not losing the grip around Cassidy's neck so he could take revenge.

„Diego?", I looked up seeing the man who is called my mother's brother.

„There were two other guys. Did you see them?", Archie asked André, still holding the boy while my so-called uncle helped me up.

„You two go back to the lodge. We're taking over."

POISONOUS LOVE II Riverdale [2]Where stories live. Discover now