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„How was dinner with Olivia?", Fangs asked us on Monday when we walked into one of the classrooms where Jug waited for the Serpents.

„Let's say I could understand why Pea doesn't like her very much. We left early", I told our friend who laughed, Fangs was sure that this would happen.

„That's not a teardown announcement, it's a damnation notification", Jug held a paper in the air.

„We've said our goodbyes to the Southside, Jughead", Toni didn't care about it a lot.

„Today it's Southside High and tomorrow it's the Wyrm. Everything that makes the Southside our home is going to disappear. When we give up now, it's over."

„It's just a building, Jug."

„No, Toni, it's the Southside's soul. The Uktena have fought and died to save this land. Our parents have fought during the riots so it's safe and now it's our turn. It's our time, this is our fight. So who's in? Who's ready for the war?"

A few hours later our bodies were chained to the walls of Southside High. It was dark and cold but each of us was convinced that we were doing the right thing.

„Well, well, the cavalry is here", Jughead commented Archie's arrival, „Seems like we've got Hiram's attention."

„Are you crazy? Chaining yourself? They're going to take down that building in two days."

„Only if Hiram wants to have the blood of nine young Serpents on his hands", Jug smiled confidently, „We're not going away. Tell that your boss, Archie."

FP, mom, dad and some other older Serpents stood on the side of the road to take care that no one would stop us from protesting.

„The last fighters", FP walked over to us in the night, „What happened to „we don't leave a Serpent alone"?"

„The others are cold. They're going to come back after they had coffee and are warmed up", Sweet Pea explained.

It's only been the three of us now. Sweet Pea would have left, too but I didn't so he didn't want to leave me alone.

„Too bad. I've got a dozen burgers. You can have all to yourselves."

„Come on, Jug. You're the only one going on a hunger strike. We won't tell anyone that you broke it", I told him.

Two days later, people were screaming „Save our school", they joined us. Pop walked around giving everyone coffee and tea. Even Sheriff Keller was here because our movement became bigger.

„I can't wait to get home and sleep in my bed again", Pea muttered against my head.

„And I can't wait to join you", I chuckled, „By the way, you look pretty hot with those chains."

„I see someone liked to be chained against the bed, huh", Pea joked and kissed me which felt better than ever because we couldn't spend time like this the past days.

„I'll thank god when I'm able to go home where non of you are", Fangs sighed.

„Look", I changed the topic pointing to Archie and some Bulldogs who were walking into our direction.

„The cops may let you walk here but when you come here and mark the strong man, we're going to knock you over", dad and FP walked between the boys and the Serpents.

„Dad, they're throwing you into prison. Don't give them an excuse."

„I'm sorry, Jughead, Ellie."

„Me too", Jug nodded.

„We're to fighting against you, Archie. Look around, it took us some days but now people know what Hiram's planning. It's just sad how you choose the dad of your girlfriend over your life-long friends. Friends who sticked together through every hard time", I started disappointed.

„This fight is not over. We're not going to give up, Archie. Cut the chains, everyone's going to see how you're doing it", Jug added.

So Archie and other bulldogs cut our chains, people were booing.

„This is not over, yet", I hissed at Archie walking away with the other boys.

„You promised us war. Then you stand up there like Buddy Holly and suck up to their asses", Sweet Pea confronted Jug in the Serpents room.

„We need those votes, Sweet Pea. Just like that we can change something, you know that. The one who's elected will get a seat in the school's executive board. That means we're in and we can say what we think, guys."

„You and your Northside princess, yeah?", Fangs showed himself hostile.

„What? That's why you're so pissed? Betty's on our side!"

„Yeah, I've helped the Serpents with a lot of problems. I've helped to find the Picken's head, I made Cheryl testify at court so FP would be free", she defended herself.

„You only did that for your boyfriend, not for the Serpents."

„Slow down, Pea. That's bullshit", I stepped in placing my hand on his breast.

„What? It's just a matter of time until she lets us down. Just like her mother", he hissed.

„So you're not even angry at me but at my mom?"

„To be honest, yeah. She's the Serpents enemy, has attacked us in the Register for years, blamed us for crimes that we've never committed. We're not supporting the daughter of a traitor. You're not getting the vote of any Serpent."

„Man, you've got nerves. Alice is my dad's sister. No matter what she wrote in that damn article, you shouldn't talk about her like that."

„Els, come on, you've got no idea what it's like to be attacked for years", Fangs tried to calm me down.

„I don't but my dad will probably know it, don't you think? And as long he sticks to his sister, the Serpents should, too."

„You're right. Hey, are you coming to the Wyrm?"

„Nope, I'm going home to my aunt, known as the devil in your vocabulary", I rolled my eyes.

„Babe, you wanted to come to my trailer later", Pea stopped me from walking away, „Come on, we've got a different opinion on that. But we shouldn't let our evening be ruined."

„Pea, I know you're trying to help but right now I'm not in a good mood. Betty's down and I really want to be there for her today. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

POISONOUS LOVE II Riverdale [2]Where stories live. Discover now