The End?

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-Y/n- {Total days with the Bloodfrost pack: 14}

It's been two weeks. Two. Fucking. Weeks. They've abandoned me, given up. Today would be the day I prove my loyalty. I may as well be loyal to my new pack.

The guards came back, with a prisoner no doubt.

After a few minutes my name was rung around the clearing.

I head to the Alpha's den and walk in. "You trial... Kill this girl." She gestures to a small brunette girl on the cave floor. She looked familiar... She was crying and shaking... So innocent.

"Take my blade, and kill her." She said, holding out a small daggerI take it weakly into my palm. The little girl looks up. Her face goes pale.

"Y-Y/n?!" She whimpered out. "Ali?" I ask, terrified. "I... I found you!" She smiles a bit, still terrified.

"Kill her." Aja growls.

"They're coming! They will kill you!" Ali yells to the female. "How dare you disrespect my like that!" Aja growls.

Suddenly, a howl splits the air. That deep, ominous howl. "Vilkas!" I say aloud. Ali runs to my side. Without thinking I throw the blade.

"I'm not killing her." I tell Aja. "This can be your true test of loyalty. Now tell me, who betrayed you." She says... Vilkas was here for Ali, wasn't he. "The... The Companions." I stutter.

Ali takes a step back. "Who do you hate?" She asks. "The Companions."

"Who is your Alpha?" "You are, Aja." I tell her. "Good." She shifts into the small white wolf and runs out. Ali and I follow behind her.

I see a black wolf fighting two Werewolves. "Vilkas!" I yell out. He looks at me for a split second. I look around to see Carg toe to toe with some werewolves.

Rashi spots us and runs over to Ali. Ozul and Arlilo are searching for something. My eyes meet the green ones belonging to Ria. She bolts over, shifting in the process.

"Y/n!" She engulfs me in a hug. "Ria..." I hug back. She picks up Ali and nods to the entrance. Did I want to go?

I feel arms wrap around my torso. Before I can scream a familiar scent overcomes me. "Y/n..." Farkas's gruff voice sounds broken.

I lean into the hug. Vilkas's howl rings the air. Without thinking I ran. I shifted mid leap, my back burning with pain.

As I escaped through the entrance, two white wolves ran beside me. I saw the feather necklace of Rou and the beaded collar of Takkar. Once a bit away the pack stopped. Vilkas was growling at the two wolves.

"They're fine. Good friends of mine." I tell him. "I hated that pack. So did Takkar. Please, let us come." Rou begged.

"You better stay in line then, Bloodfrost." Vilkas seethes. Rou averts his gaze and Takkar holds firm, "I am no Bloodfrost wolf." "Then prove it!" As he said so, a small party of the white wolves caught up.

"Traitors! All of you!" The lead one hissed. Aja!

Cut the head from the serpent to kill the snake....

Aja. She needs to die to finish the Bloodfrost.

The small crew breaks into battle with the Bloodfrost. Growls and whines are heard from all directions. I'm in the middle, my small wolf form is towered over by the White wolf leader.

"Weak......" She begins to circle me.

"Useless..." Her eyes scan me for a weakness.

"Worthless..." I tuck my tail, afraid of what comes next.

Enemies (Farkas X Reader)  a Skyrim FanficWhere stories live. Discover now