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I felt my blood boil hot and my veins freeze ice, all out of horror.

His voice was sickly sweet with venom dripping from every word.

I stayed completely still not making a single sound, afraid of what he may do.

When he realized I wasn't going to fight, he made this purring sound from the back of his throat.

"Good girl," He cooed while stroking my hair.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked in a weak voice.

I wanted to throw up from, one, I was currently being kidnapped, and two, the fake sweetness in his voice.

A deep chuckle shook his chest which was pressed against my back.

"I have my orders, Princess," His lips brushed against my lips, making me instinctively jerk away.

My attack roughly pulled my forearm to get me back to where I had been.

His finger nails dug into my arms until I felt warm liquid dripping down.

I yelped in pain making him angrier.

"What did I say about struggling?" He asked.

There was this power in his voice that made me want to cower in fear.

"Please, I'm sorry, just a reflex," I tried explaining.

Another deep chuckle.

"I promise not to tell anyone if you let me go, please," I begged.

"Sorry, Princess, like I said, I have my orders," He said lowly.

"And I have mine," Another voice spoke up.

My attacker was suddenly not behind me.

I fell to my knees from the suddenness of him not holding me up.

I quickly turned around to see Ashton holding a guy with tan skin, black hair with a blonde streak in the front, and dark eyes up against a tree by his throat.

My attackers eyes were wide with slight panic, and he was trying to get Ashton's hands off his throat.

"You stay away from her," Ashton growled at my attacker.

My attacker looked to have a two or three inches on Ashton, but Ashton has the muscles.

"You tell him that he'll never have her, you make sure to tell him that I said it," He continued.

The venom in Ashton's voice slightly frightened me, but I still wasn't scared of him, but I was scared of the other guy.

"And if you ever touch her again, I make your life worse than hell, understand me?" Ashton spat.

The guy nodded quickly, his hands still trying to pull Ashton's hands off his throat.

Ashton stared at him for a moment longer before he let him go.

My attacker fell to the ground, running his neck soothingly.

I didn't notice Ashton was at my side until he was gently grabbing my hands to help me up.

I couldn't stop staring at my attacker.

He noticed me staring at grinned at me.

He blinked and when his eyes opened, his eyes were completely black.

I jumped backwards and he winked at me before disappearing before my eyes.

I pointed to where he had been standing and opened my mouth to speak but nothing would come out.

I kept opening and closing my mouth, trying to form any type of word.

"Bailey, come on," Ashton's voice snapped me out of it.

I looked over at him.

His hazel eyes were full of worry, concern, and maybe sympathy?

He grabbed my forearm which caused pain to shoot up my arm.

I jerked my arm out of his gentle grip.

His eyes widened at my movement.

He looked down at my arm to see the blood.

Without another word, he put a hand at the small of my back, and led me back to my house.

Once there, he led me to the kitchen, and lifted me up onto the counter.

He rummaged around my kitchen while thoughts ran through my mind.

His eyes were completely black.

No, it just just a trick of the night, the darkness of outside tricked my eyes into seeing it.

Lies, you know what you saw.

He couldn't have just disappeared like that... He just vanished into thin air, impossible.

Nope, not impossible.

Yes, yes it is! You can not just 'disappear.'

He did.

Shut up!

You know the truth, deep inside, you know way more than you remember.


The subconscious side of my mind was suddenly quiet.

Wait, did I just have a conversation with myself.

God dammit!

The warm feeling of Ashton hand over my fidgeting ones, brought me back down to earth.

My eyes met his worried ones.

His eyebrows furrowed as if he was confused.

I cocked my head to the side, confused myself.

Then it happened again.

More unspoken words appeared in my mind as if it was a thought of my own, but I knew it wasn't.

Still nothing, I don't understand.

What does that mean?

"Are you ok?" Ashton's voice filled the silence in my house.

I bit my lip and nodded.

I looked down at his hands still covering mine.

He took that hand and placed a finger under my chin, tilting it up so I would look at him.

"Please, don't lie to me," He begged softly.

I bit my lip again.

Letting out a slow breath, I shook my head.

He sighed and gently started cleaning the small fingernail shaped cuts in my forearm.

I winced a couple times.

Ashton would mumble a 'sorry' every time that I did.

When he was done, he helped me off the counter and led me towards the living room.

He sat me down on the couch and disappeared back into the kitchen.

A second later Koda came running to me and jumped on top of me.

I started laughing as she tied licking my face.

She finally calmed down and laid down in my lap.

I sighed and rested my head against the back of the couch.

All my thoughts of the attacker soon returned when Ashton walked back into the living room.

New thoughts came into mind as I watched him flop onto the love seat.

"Wait, why did you know him?!" I said standing up quickly.

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