He's A Liar

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"See you again?" I asked confused. "I've never seen you before in my life."
The blonde chuckled.
"No, you have," He said simply. "They just put a block in your mind."
So it must be true if I've been told by more than one person.
"Who's they?" I asked sitting up.
Blondie and Calum both sat back in their heels, watching me carefully.
Blondie cocked his head to the side.
"His name is Michael and he's trying to keep you from me," Luke said.
"You're talking as if I belong to you," I commented.
He suddenly stood up and Calum followed suit.
I took notice in what they were wearing.
Calum was in a black long sleeve and black skinny jeans and Blondie was wearing a black The Misfits tank top with black skinny jeans.
If they are demons, they sure don't act like it.
"Well," Blondie spoke up. "In a way you do."
Anger sparked through me.
Nobody owns me.
I stood up in my spot and glared at the blonde boy.
"Nobody owns me," I voiced my thoughts with as much venom as I could manage.
He turned around and sat down in a tall throne of red velvet and Calum sat next to him in a smaller throne of black velvet.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, nobody owns you, you're right," Luke spoke.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
Not wanting to talk about this anymore, I changed the subject slightly.
"So, what's your name?" I asked.
"I'm Luke, King of this realm," He answered.
Something both Ashton and Calum had said ran through my mind.
Calum was the right hand man of a King of one of the two realms.
According to Ashton, it was the bad realm.
"According the a friend of mine, your a bad man, Luke," I commented out loud.
He gave me a curious look as Calum's eyes bore into my head.
"Would this friend be Ashton?" Luke asked.
"You know Ashton?" I asked surprised.
He nodded.
"Let me guess," He said a second later. "He told you that I'm bad, evil, and that there is another King that wants to protect you and that he was part of that protection?"
I felt frozen.
"He would make you feel safe by 'keeping you safe?'" He added.
I nodded stiffly.
Luke sat forward on his throne, putting his hands on his knees and clasping his hands together.
"You see, Bailey, he was lying," He said softly.
I started shaking my head and took a step back.
Luke nodded with sympathy.
"I'm not the bad guy, the other Kind is. He only told you what he did because he needed you to trust him. Needed you to trust his enough so that you would willingly go with him where you would find the truth. Find that he was the bad guy all along and that they were keeping the truth away from you."
"Your lying," I reasoned.
I tugged at my restraints but nothing happened.
A burning sensation swept through my wrists the harder I pulled.
I took a several steps back until my back hit the wall.
"No, no, no," I repeated.
"I'm here to help you," Luke added. "I want what's best for you. I want to tell you the truth and nothing less."
That feeling of knowing the truth faded from me.
I wanted to believe Ashton but Luke sounded like he was telling the truth too.
Who to believe?
"You must be tired?" Luke suddenly said standing up.
He quickly came to my side and grabbed my elbow gently.
This electric feeling shot up my arm, but I couldn't tell if it was bad or good.
"Come on, I'll escort you to your sleeping corders and we'll talk more in the morning," Luke said gent tugging me towards a huge door off to the right.
I followed, seeing no other choice.
Walking through the door, we entered a wide, long, beautiful hall.
The walls were black and giant windows were set in along the length of the hall, but it was too dark outside to see out.
The walls were also carved with small embroiders, reminding me of an old palace or castle.
At the end of the hall was a single door.
Going through, we could three different ways.
Left, stright, or right.
Looking to the left, the walls turned a lighter shade of black and to a series of other halls.
Looking ahead of me, I could see another long hall that was too dark to see down.
Looking right, it looked exactly like the left.
Luke tugged me to the left and led me down the hall.
This hall was covered in old, old painting of things I couldn't make out in the small lighting.
Seeing as the only lighting was small torches set up every few feet along the wall.
Neither of us spoke while we walked, which just made it seem eery.
This place was set up and looked as elegant as a palace you would see the villain living in.
There was beauty, yet darkness.
Leading me down several different halls, we finally stopped in front of a large black door.
Why was everything black?
"I'll talk to you in the morning.
He opened the door and two large figures walked out.
I jumped back.
It was two large black dogs with a big muscle build.
They're eyes were red and large sharp fangs stuck out.
Luke spoke something in Latin and they both laid down at either side of the door.
Before I could say anything, Luke lightly pushed me into the room and closed the door.
If it hadn't been so quiet, I would have missed the small click of the lock setting.
I quickly turned to face the door and reached out to try the handle.
Before I could, I realized that my hands were no longer tied up.
When did he...oh, nevermind.
Turning my back on the door, I let my eyes adjust to the darkness and stumbled around until I found the bed.
Just like everything else here, the bed was oversized and plushed up blankets and pillows.
I quickly collapsed on to it, not having a second thought, and fell asleep.

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