Out of order? (Foxy x Reader.)

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This is just a bit of a introduction more in depth for you. Yay!

So, you know that cute Fox that runs down the halls and peeks into your room and screams? Good! Because me, being weird and all, decided to do an x reader on this. (for some twisted reason >:3 )

Anyways, the point is that, your wonderful parents thought you needed a job and, they found you a job, and guess where this job is? You guessed it... FREDDY FAZBEAR everybody! (Isn't that just great?).

Also, this is gonna involve me too, because I'm cool like that! (You are cool too.) Also, also, this story involves a special surprise that a certain youtuber fans will enjoy. huehuehue... :3

Out of order? (Foxy x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now