Chapter 2: Save me.

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*Your POV*

You were still outside, only thing was you moved your location to a very nice, cherry tree. The wind rustled the fallen leafs and sent shivers in your whole body.

You: "Should I go?"

B0red: "Yeah, why not."

You jumped and pointed your view at B0red.

You: "What are you doing? Trying to give me a heart attack?"

B0red: "Nope, just wandering about and saw you, thought you needed a bit of company. So, how about we go to Freddy's?"

You: "B-but... that place got, locked down, didn't it? After an accident like that..."

B0red: "It reoppens tomorrow, when you will be working."

You: "What?!"

B0red: "Come on then."

Before you could say a word B0red grabbed your hand and sprinted to the pizzeria. It looked really old and about to collapse.

You: "You can't tell me that I'll be going in there."

B0red: "Nope, not you, we, now... ALLONS-Y!"

B0red said and pointed you at a window and then ran to it, you followed. B0red climbed the window and the curiosity got the better of you, and after all, they're just some animatronics, nothing could go wrong, could it?

You looked around and saw the stage, it was empty and it's colours faded away. You looked at pirates cove and saw a sign that had written on it "Out of order."

You looked at the sign and felt sad, memories flashed to you back at that night, Foxy looked so sad and confused that night, he looked like a child that did something wrong and he didn't mean it.

You reached to open the curtains and when you did something grasped your arm, you pulled back and the thing released. You looked strangely at the cove, you heard something whimper inside.

You: "...F-Foxy?"

You heard some rumbles coming from inside the cove.

You: "F-Foxy, it's allright...It's me... (Y/n)."

Foxy peaked through the curtains, only his eyes and his dangling jaw could be visible to you. He got out a bit more revealing his torn  body, he looked so... torn up.

You: "Foxy... what happened to you?"

Foxy: " P-p-p-parent... b-be-beat me up.... H-holes t-turned in-into wounds..."

You: "Wait, a second, Foxy."

Foxy stared at you, you rea hed to touch his jaw, he moved away and stared at you.

Foxy: "I-I-I don't wan-want to h-hurt you....S-stay away."

You: "It's allright Foxy, I know you won't harm me."

You touched his tangling jaw, Foxy's body flinched. You put his jaw in place and fixed the bolts that were out. You smiled at him.

Foxy: "Thank you (Y/n)."

You heard a lound bang coming from the kitchen, Foxy made a ear pearcing scream that unbolted his jaw once more, he looked at you and hugged you, he held you tight into his arms forcing your head on his chest to hear the sound of soft gear rumbling coming from inside of him.

The sound was some sort of machine like purring, it was a very soothing sound that you found yourself loving, Foxy's embrace was warm though the smell of blood was powerful in his fur, you got used to it.

Footsteps could be heard, Foxy took you inside the cove, and he hid inside with you. From outside you heard mechanic moves and then a voice, a really familiar voice.

???: "Let's (kill) eat!"

You: "Chica?" (whisper.)

Chica looked at Pirate Cove, and stared a bit into it, waiting for movement, but neither you or Foxy moved, once Chica went away you turned to Foxy which was embracing himself in a corner.

You: "Foxy, are you allright?"

Foxy: "You mu-must go... it-it-it's not s-s-safe here..."

You approached Foxy, his body flinched, he moved his mouth away from you as to not to bite you, you planted a sweet kiss on his cheek and then went out in search for B0red.

But the place was only getting creepier, you felt safe with Foxy but now, knowing that the animatronics could move, you felt... in danger, you felt your blood run through your veins, your heart pump hard in your chest as you were wandering about in search for B0red which may or may not be alive.

*B0red's POV*

As soon as we were in the building, I thought I should let (Y/n) and Foxy alone since they had alot to talk about, I guess. I decided to check the main room in which the guard would stay, as I was approaching the room, I heard somebody scream in there.


I chuckled a bit and knocked on the closed door. To my surprise it opened and a plushie tiny box was thrown at me along with the phrase...

???: "Tiny Box Tim protect me!"

...Coming from the guard.

B0red: " Hi, I'm B0red and you are?"

???: " Hello, My name is Markiplier and I'm the guard!"

B0red: "And, how's it going guard?"

Mark: "Well, no signs of Foxy and Chica moved a bit but... that's all."

B0red: "Cool, I'll stick with you then."

Mark nodded and he returned to watching the cameras.

*Back to you (Y/n)*

You were looking around and you were in the place where the animatronics were, or, where they should be. There was only Bonnie there, you looked at her, she looked happy as always, her head moved slowly towards you and your body froze up.

Bonnie made her ear piercing scream, you started running but she jumpec on you and started punching you, her claws were leaving big marks in your flesh, they were starting to get deeper, your screaming started to get faintier and soon you gave up screaming, you were loosing alot of blood and you could no longer have enough energy to scream.

*Foxy's POV*

After she kissed my cheek and went away, I felt something inside of me, I felt something beat and I felt a weird feeling, how can I even have feeling? I'm a machine...

As thoughts rushed through my mind I heard screaming coming from the next room, I paniced, I heard her cry and I heard Bonnie laugh but, what should I do? I thought and thought until, I couldn't hear screaming anymore.

I felt anger build up in my body, I rushed as fast as I could to help (Y/n), when I got there I saw (Y/n) being horribly clawed by Bonnie she looked at me, her eyes were showing me pain, the same pain I felt that day, the pain,of betrayal.

I rushed at Bonnie and tackled her to the ground I ripped her head out of her endoskeleton revealing her true face, I threw her head next to her body and I turned to (Y/n) I picked her up and took her to the guard room, I knocked on the door and scratched it finally, they oppened it, I hope they will help (Y/n).

What her eyes showed me were the exact same feeling I had in 87, I was so scared and felt so sorry for doing that and what did Freddy and the others do? hurt me even more, with words, my own familly turned upon me... I am alone...

Out of order? (Foxy x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now