A/n: Tell me.

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So, first. I reached 15 followers and that's just so awesome, I'm so glad you are enjoying what I'm writing and, I'm happy that you think that my stories are good enough for you to read and enjoy.

A lot of you guys seem to like my Doctor Who mashups in the stories, but, I can't help it, in all my stories I make a Doctor Who reference or I include the TARDIS and myself, because It's more fun that way.

Anyways, the point is that, I have some optoons for you awesome people put there:

a)  Elsen x Reader (an elsen is an OFF character.)

b) Eyeless Jack x Reader ( or Jeff. Or any other Creepy Pasta.)

c) Markiplier x Reader. (Or any other you tuber, also, this will be a trapped in a game type of story. )

d) You decide! (Comment what x reader story you would like to see, made by me, B0red.)

So, yeah, choose from those options or tell me what story you would like to see, and I don't care if it's a freaking crazy request, the crazier, the better. Am I right?

(I like to scream at Teddy Bears: "TEDDY BEAR!!! TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!!!")

Out of order? (Foxy x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now