Night 4: " B0red is missing."

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*Still your POV*

You looked at the clock and it was 5pm, B0red and Mark still didn't come back and you started to worry that something bad happened to them.

Foxy: "A-are you alright?"

You: "huh? Oh, yeah, I was just... thinking."

Foxy: "About what?" (Foxy tilted his head to one side.)

You: "About B0red and Mark, they have been missing for 1 or 2 hours..."

Foxy: "Who?"

You: "B0red is the girl with a bow-tie and Mark is the guy with an M on his t-shirt."

Foxy: "Oh...We could go looking for them, if you...want."

You looked at Foxy, but that was interupted by a guy screaming right by your door. You smiled widely when you heard the scream because you recognized it right away.


You and Foxy both pushed the button to open the door, inside ran Mark, only Mark.

You: "M-Mark, where is B0red?"

Mark: "I don't know, I...We were in the costume room, B0red was searching for Bonnie, I went to look for Chica and B0red went into the kitchen, I stayed outside as a guard. Suddenly the lights went out and the door to the costume room shut. I ran to you guys and the lights came back on."

you looked at Mark, your look was empty, B0red wasn't the type of person to just... die, that easy.

*What happened to B0red.*

Mark and B0red were looking for the animatronics, Mark was looking for Chica, and B0red was looking for Bonnie. B0red went into the kitchen and Mark stayed outside to guard.

As B0red was wandering in the kitchen, paying atention to every noise and move. But something else was in there... the lights went out. B0red felt a grasp around both her waists. After just a split of a second B0red was gone... but something else was left to wander the halls.

*Back to you (Y/n)*

You: "...She just can't die like that..."

Foxy went to you and hugged you, not letting you go, he saw how sad you were about the fact that B0red possibly died and now was being shoved into a suit. Mark was sitting at the desk, thinking about what happened in the costume room.

Mark got up and kicked the desk startleing you and Foxy. The clock struck 6am, and the kids invaded the place again.

You: "Foxy... come with us."

Foxy: "N-no, I must not leave the pizzeria."

You: "You can now, Foxy. You are no longer tied to that metal suit."

Foxy smiled at you and grabbed your hand, you all exited the pizzeria, but Mark was determined to find B0red.

Mark: "We need to go and see what the hell is in that room."

You: "Mark... B0red is, gone..."

Mark gave you a cold look, that made your body shiver.

Mark: "I refuse to believe that...If you won't help me, fine, I'll do it by myself. But I swear to god, there's something in that room, I remember seeing some sort of thing... I don't remember how it looked but, it was in there."

You: "Mark, you are crazy... but, I can't let you have all the fun by yourself, I'll help you."

Foxy nodded, he was going to help too. But  you had to wait until your next night.  You agreed with Mark to go and see what's in there the next night, until then you and Foxy were going to eat something, you were starving.


Can you guess what mysterious being is in the kitchen?

Also, a quick thingy, this story is blowing up, it has so many votes, and so many people saw it, it's sooo awesome! And you are awesome too. :3


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