Night 2: "This is bad...."

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You: "What are we gonna do?"

Chica: "Pizza!"

Mark closed the door quickly, on the other side was Bonnie and he closed the other door too.

Mark: "Power draining fast, it's at 5% and it's still 5 am."

Mark grasped the camera and started yelling at it.

Mark: "COME ON!!! Turn it to SIX GOD DAMNIT!"

The lights went off, and on the left door, Freddy appeared, his eyes were flickering as he was singing a song. The song ended, we all were breathing heavely, feeling Freddy's breath on our necks, he would often do his deep laugh. He walked around us...

And then, you felt something sharp stab your chest, when you looked down, you saw Chica's claws have dug in your chest and were holding something in them. You felt your body faint and you soon fell dead.

Mark was taken by surprise by Bonnie who pulled him by the arm and took him into the chamber where the costumes were made. bonnie then stuffed Mark into the costume. Wires and sharp ends of cables and metal scratched Marks face and he started bleeding, he felt pressure on his eyeballs and soon.. Mark was left blind and dead.

B0red was attacked by Freddy, B0red was grabbed by the head and Freddy added pressure on her skull, cracks could be heard, B0red was screaming loudly until a splatter was heard and B0red's screams stopped.

In the end,  Mark, You and B0red got stuffed in costumes.


He, he, I feel creepy today....  Anyways, I hope you liked this. ( also, this is the bad end, if you couldn't tell.)


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