Night 1: "Close the door..."

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B0red: "Come on, (Y/n) we don't have much time."

Foxy was approaching the door at a high speed.

You: "...Close, the door."

I nodded. And Mark pushed the button (Y/n) closed her eyes tightly as the sound of Foxy smashing the door and breaking into pieces could be heard, his gears started to slow down and the noisy sound they made could no longer be heard.

Mark: "Is he...."

B0red: "I think so."

Mark, and I were happy one of the animatronics died but, (Y/n) got out and she was holding Foxy's broken body into her arms, loud sobs could be heard coming from her.

Mark: "Are you... alright (Y/n)?"

You: "..."

B0red: "I think we should leave her alone, Mark.."

You: "G-good bye Foxy...." (whisper.)

(Y/n) planed a sweet kiss on Foxy's forehead and then took his hook into her arm. And went into the room, she closed the door.

B0red: "(Y-Y/n) are you... alright?"

You: "Yes, I'm... fantastic! hahahahhahahaah."

Mark gulped. (Y/n) approached B0red.

B0red:"Uhm.. I like my personall place I-...."

(Y/n) smiled at B0red, and soon B0red started coughing up blood, one of her hearts was stabbed. The hook that impaled her was taken out only to let B0red fall to the floor and hug her chest, Mark watched in fear as (Y/n) hit B0red with the top of the hook in the head, a fatal hit. B0red dropped dead. Her red bow tie was now stained with blood.

You: "Come on Mark, let's play!"

Mark screamed and tried to escape but, before he could run away, (Y/n) impaled him by the neck and dragged him to the floor she then stabbed his butt and he layed quietly on the floor, dead. She then ran down the whole pizzeria killing every animatronic and then burning it down to ashes, she smiled at the pizzeria burning as she sang the last part of a song.

You: "Aaashes, aaashes.... we all...fall... down...."


Yay! You are bonkers and probably the crazed butt stabber. Yay! You also killed me... so... yeah, you also, also, killed Mark, and that's baaaad.

On a more srious note, this was fun to write, took it a bit to the extreme but, I thought it would suit.


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