Night 6: " Bonnie."

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*in the office room.*

B0red was playing with her fingers and Mark was checking for the animatronics when he heard moaning on the camera, it got louder and louder until he clicked the costume room and then ran in a corner and started rocking back and forth.

B0red: "Mark, what's wrong?"

Mark pointed at the costume room camera and when B0red looked at the canera she quickly switched it to the kitchen and her face was as red as a firetruck. She then turned to Mark.

B0red: "Let's just... leave the cameras alone..."

Mark: "Agreed."

B0red checked the clock.

B0red: "It's  4am...and the power is at 29%, we're doing pretty good..."

Mark: "I, guess so..."

Mark scratched the back of his head...

B0red: "Are you ok Mark?"

Mark: "Yeah, it's just that... after we finish this day and the day after this one... what are we going to do?"

B0red: "We could goooo... get some ice-cream and watch some Spongebob..."

Mark: "Yeah, we could...."

Mark smiled.

B0red: "Now then, let's check on the cameras, we don't want Golden Freddy to just pop out of nowhere."

Bonnie popped out at the door but B0red used her Sonic on him.

B0red: "Mark, open up Bonnie."

Mark: "Do you need me to press B to blow?"

B0red "No, Mark, I need you to open up Bonnie."

Mark nodded and then he oppened up Bonnie, inside it was a dead kid, and he looked like he died recently, maybe a few minutes ago...

Mark: "Now I feel bad I made that joke..."

Foxy and (Y/n) went inside the office. (Y/n) gasped when she saw the dead kid inside Bonnie. B0red and Mark took Bonnie to the costume room.

You heard the bell ring and then you all went and got some pizza then watched Spongebob.


Finally, I upload!! Yay!  sadly, this story is nearing it's end... but another one will arrive. :D


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