Night 5: "The many shades of Mark."

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*Your POV*

We were all gathered in the camera room, Mark had boxes around his belt that was holding his pants and Foxy had a hook. You went into the kitchen, only to hear rustling, once you stepped inside, the creature in there, as disturbed by your presence, stopped making the noises.

Mark flipped the switch on and the lights filled the room. You jumped backwards and screamed as you saw the figure right in front of you. Foxy caught you. Mark was staring at the statue...

Mark: "Guys... don't blink and don't let the lights go out."

You: "Why is that?"

Mark: "If there's one thing that Doctor Who taught me, is that angel statues are bad."

Foxy: "Mark, you are making no sense, it's just a statue."

Mark chuckled.

Mark: "That's what they want you to believe."

Foxy glanced through the room as he helped you stand. His dark red eyes fixed on something in the darkness.

Foxy: "Mark, I think that the angel... is not our only problem."

You looked in the same spot as Foxy, and there stood a Golden Freddy costume. It looked just like a regular costume, only it was empty, no eyes, no movement, nothing.

You: "Even bigger problem..."

Foxy: "What?"

You pointed at the kitchen door and there stood Chica, twitching and looking at you with her cold, dead eyes.

Mark: "We need a freaking miracle to get out of this."

You: "No... we need B0red."

Foxy nodded, even though he didn't know B0red that well, he felt like she was the only one who could help them.

Mark: "I have an idea!! Keep an eye on this angel."

Mark went and searched into the cupboards, Chica attacked but Mark threw a slice of pizza at her which got into her eyes making Chica fall on the floor and brek her neck and chip her beak.

You: "I'm so getting fired for this."

Foxy chuckled.

Mark started laughing like a maniac and then he started taping the weeping angel and Golden Freddy togheter in such way that they were staring at each other.

Mark: "There, all better now!"

Golden Freddys whole body jerked and the tape broke. The angel was now sobbing, hiding it's hideous features. Mark stared at Golden Freddy.

Foxy: "Mark don't!!"

Too late, Mark was already having hallucinations. He started laughing uncotrollably...His eyes became covered in smoke, his smile was crooked and twisted at a weird angle, he had vampire like teeth, his hair was oozing some weird black slime and smoke.

Dark Mark: " Ahh, In what trouble has Mark got himself into?"

This Mark's voice was raspy and deep. Foxy covered his eyes and started rocking back and fourth.

Foxy: "Make it stop, make it stop..."

dark Mark: " Hmm... Golden Freddy and a weeping angel..."

Dark Mark looked at you and Foxy and laughed.

Dark Mark: "Oh, poor Foxy, what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

You: "Leave him alone!!"

You said and ppushed Mark which fell down.

Mark: "Owwuuch..."

When Mark got back up he now had a pink mustache and talked in a strange, a bit undescribable accent.

Wilfred Warfstache: "Hi, I'm Wilfred Warfstache and it seems that you have a problem hyyyaaaa"

You were so confused, even Foxy stopped from his hallucinations and looked at Mark, or should I say "Wilfred Warfstache."

Wilfred Warfstache: "Well then, let me just use mah muscles to get you through this situation uhaaaa uhaha."

Wilfred Warfstache punched the weeping angel while screaming:

Wilfred Warfstache: "Waaaarfstache paaaaunch."

The statue shatered to pieces, falling to the ground in a billion bits.

Wilfred Warfstache: "Well, now that that's taken care awof, I will leave Mark alone."

Mark now looked normal again and he grabbed you and Foxy's hand and got you out of there, closing the door shut behind him. He was breathing heavely.

Mark: "Wow, that was, weird..."

You:  "I'll say."

You heard clock sounds and then you all sprinted out the door.

Mark: "Hey, guys, I'm gonna be a little late, tomorrow, I have some surgery to do on Bob, hahahahahahha!!"

Foxy & You: "Okay...."

Nope, Mark was not normal.

You: "Wait, what? Surgery?!"

Mark: "Yes, I'm a professional doctor trained in Nicoragua."

You: "All righty then, let's go Foxy."

Foxy nodded and you both ran away from Mark, hoping to see him better tomorrow night.


So, how are you doing? Good, good. Uhm... I guess, you guys kinds guessed what was in the room, but...

Ha!!! I bet you weren't expecting that.

Also, did you read thos paragrafs in Wilfred Warfstache's voice? Cause I did when I wrote them... hehe.

Wingardium leviosaaaaaaaaaaaa...  *cough* I'm sorry for that.... I'll just go to my corner now...

Anyways.... I luv you, lots of hugs!


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