Night 3: "P-P-P-Pizza!"

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You: "Guys, I have an idea!"

B0red & Mark:  "What?"

You: "Well, first of all, we need B0red's screwdriver thingy and some tape. "

B0red smiled widely figuring out the plan you had.

You: "Alright, I'm gonna open the door."

B0red: "Right behind you.."

Mark: "What do I do?"

You: "Mark, you will tape Chica to the chair when we tell you."

And so, B0red and (Y/n)went to the door, (Y/n) opened the gate and Chica looked at her, Chicas head was twitching violently.

B0red got her screwdriver ready and used it when Chica attacked, making Chica freeze and fall to the ground.

You: "Now, Mark!!!"

Mark went and took Chica to the chair, (Y/n) closed the door and Chica was all tapped to the chair securely.

You: "Can you wake her up?"

B0red: "Nope, but, I must say, this was a SMASHING plan..."

(Y/n) nodded.

Chica woke up.

Chica: "Pizza?"

You: "Chica, why didn't you tell the others that the old manager left?"

Chica: "Bwak, bwak bwak bwak...."

You: "....Well shneickeys."

Mark: "Let me handle this."

B0red: "How are you go-"

B0red was interrupted by Mark which was making some weird chicken sound.

Mark: "Bwak,, Bwak, Bwak bwak bwak?"

Chica: "Bwak, bwak bwak.."

*2 minutes of chicken sounds later.*

You: "Come on!!"

B0red was holding the camera in her arms and she was staring at the door waiting for Bonnie.

B0red: "Wee woo, wee woo, wee woo..."

Bonnie appeared and made a weird swish sound.


B0red went and shut the door.

Mark: "Alright, so, Chica said that she didn't tell them because she can't communicate with them, the only thing she can say is 'pizza?' or make chicken sounds or 'P-p-p-pizza.' So..."

You: "Oh... Well then Chica, you are free to go."

(Y/n) released Chica which got out and ran to the kitchen.

B0red: " Only 5am and we have 5% power left." 

Mark: "That's actually good."

You: "Not if Bonnie decides to be a bdouche and just stay there all night."

B0red: "Where's Foxy by the way?"

You: "I don't know, he is probably in his cove..."

Foxy got out from under the table.

Foxy: "Arr me laddies, Foxy is here!"

B0red jumped and Mark screamed and threw Tiny Box Tim at Foxy. (Y/n) however hugged Foxy tightly because she didn't sed him in a while.

B0red: "That's odd..."

Mark: "What is?"

B0red: "Even though he is a robot he seems to be able to feel."

Mark: "Well, he is a kid inside a costume after all..."

B0red: "Yes but, the heart would be dying... wait a second..."

B0red went to (Y/n) and Foxy and got out her Sonic Screwdriver.

You: "What are you doing?!"

B0red: "Don't worry, this won't hurt him..."

(Y/n) stepped a way a bit unsure. B0red went to Foxy and used her Sonic on him. Foxy was looking like he was in sleep mode. B0red opened his mouth carefuly and looked inside...

???:"...*heavy breathing*..."

Foxy turned back on and B0red got her head out shocked...

B0red: "(Y/n), Mark, I want to talk to you later today..."

Before anybody could ask why the clock struck 6am and the pizzeria gpt infested with kids, and this time when (Y/n) peeked at the scene after getting her pay check she saw Foxy there. She smiled happily and went after Mark and B0red, what could be so important that B0red wanted to talk to both of them?


The title of this chapter was choosen by Chica!

Also, I am sorry I didn't upload.but school is really pressing on my knee right now and I can't write as much, only in weekend might I upload 2 chapters a day.

I hope you like this. Remember to tell me what X Reader stpry you would like to see onthe chapter 'A/n: Tell me.' Or you can comment it here. :3

=/.^=(>-        <--- Foxy thingy.... don't judge me >.<


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