A/n 2: I am happy.

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1. So, today, I checked my followers and I have 20 followers, that's sooo, awesome, guys and it means alot to me, it might seem like little but, I'm amazed that, I, an average writer could have people like my stories, with all  my strange mashups and all. It's amaizing, and I appreciate that you enjoy my stories even if they are silly. I want to hug you all.

2. School is up and going and I'm on a bit of a tight schedule so, I might not be able to upload daily, I'm sorry.

3. You make requests and they shall not be ignored. A few chapters away I made an a/n named "tell me" in which I asked for you guys to pick from some X Reader stories. Now, until I'm done with this story, that think is still avaible, (I don't like working on 2 stories, it's really stressful and ideeas get all mashed up.)

4.  If you made a request it will not be forgotten, let's say, you wanted me to do a marshmallow x reader but you didn't have enoguh people to say the same thing, and I had more at, idk, potato x reader that doesn't mean that I will ignore your request, it means that it's going to come later on.

5 I'd like to thank you again, you are awesome and in my perspective, being called a Geek is a compliment. I have been called a Geek many times and I was all like:

Me: "Geek? You mean awesome, fantastic, amaizing, awesome-sauce, cool... etc?"

6. No matter what fandom you are from, you are awesome, don't forget that!

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