Night 1: Welcome to Freddy's!

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*Mark's POV*

What was I even doing here? The last thing I remember is that B0red camr to me when I was a guard and then I became part of this Doctor Who and FNaF madness. That's what I get for drinking from a TARDIS mug ....

Mark: "I'm bored."

You: "Shush Mark, Foxy is already out and Chica is missing."

B0red: "Guys, I think I found her."

Chica was right outside the door, I pushed the button quickly and closed the door.

Mark: "What the hell? They aren't supposed to be here this early, it's your first day."

(Y/n) raised her shoulders, B0red was checking the cameras.

B0red: "All is good, but we need a set up. Mark you get the doors, me and (Y/n) will watch the cameras."

Mark: "Sounds good."

You: "Agreed."

To my surprise B0red was a really good leader, no matter how strange she was sometimes. I guess, being a Doctor Who fan really makes you an awesome person (A lot of people seem to think we whovians are nerds, but we are just too awesome for them.)

*B0red's POV*

B0red: "Guys, it's Chica again!"

Mark: "I just don't get it, they aren't supposed to be this active, it's only 2pm......wait, did you guys check on Foxy?"

Me and (Y/n) gasped and grasped the tabled and brought it to our faces, Foxy was gone and his sign read "It's me."

B0red & you: "Mark, the door!!!!"

Mark kept missing the buttons and Foxy got in and made a ear piercing sound, he looked at us and charged towards Mark, Foxy pinned Mark to the ground and started scratching him with his hook, I pushed Foxy off Mark and pointed my Sonic Screwdriver at him.

B0red: "Back off...."

You: "B0red, don't hurt him, he's just confuse!"

B0red: "Confuse.... CONFUSE?! He nearly pulled Mark's brains out and you tell  me he's confused?"

You: "H-he's just doing what he is programmed to do, it's not his fault."

B0red: "With that sentence, you just lost the privilage to talk with me."

I turned to Mark, he needed to be bandaged and we just happened to have some aspirin and bandages lying around, I started bandaging Mark, who was just lying on the ground, unconscious.

*Your POV*

B0red: "With that sentence, you just lost the privilage to talk with me."

You gasped, you never saw B0red this mad, but yet, you never saw Foxy this aggresive. You turned to Foxy who was lying on the ground.

You: "Foxy, why?"

Foxy looked at you, he put his metalic hand on your cheek and rubbed your rosy cheek with his thumb. He looked like he was smiling.

Chica: "Pizza?"

You: "Oh, no. Foxy, please get up..."

Foxy responded, he got up and went away from you. Chica peeked through your door and was about to rush inside.

Chica: "Pizza!!!"

You closed the door and then you glanced at B0red who was bandaging Mark's head.

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