Chapter 3: What really happened.

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*Foxy's POV*

I tried to wait for (Y/n) to wake up, but she didn't, I found myself slwly being dragged in sleep mode.

*B0red's POV*

I fell asleep in some blankets next to Mark which was panicing over the cameras and closing the door like a maniac.

I woke up when I remembered that it was almost 6pm and that I had to take (Y/n) to see something, I feared her safety and, indeed, I knew she loved that fox from head to toes but, she needed to know the truth.

I went outside and looked around for the TARDIS, it was supposed to be here, I made a deal with The Doctor and well, he was supposed to bring the TARDIS here hours ago.

I sprinted back through the door and went to Pirates Cove, when i oppened the drapes, I saw Foxy cuddling with (Y/n) it was cute, but I really wanted to get (Y/n) to see the truth.

I shook her awake carefuly not to wake up Foxy, because, as cute and fluffy he was, he had a bad temper.

Once (Y/n) awoke she gave me a grumpy look, but I managed to tell her by a bit of hand gesturing that we had to go. Once we were out, i crossed my fingers and started looking for the TARDIS hopefuly, it was here, or it should be anyways.

The clock struck 6pm and we could hear kids in the distance jump in joy.

B0red: "Oh great, he's late."

You: "Who's late?"

Then after (Y/n) asked the TARDIS started materializing and  The Doctor got out with a happy look on his face.

B0red: "Where were you?"

The Doctor: "I was busy... How long did you wait?"

B0red: "About five and a half hours."

The Doctor: "Good, always wait five and a half hours. ( he looked towards (Y/n)) Hi, I'm The Doctor."

You: "Doctor who?"

The Doctor: "Just The Doctor, anyways, what's your name?"

You: "It's (Y/n)"

The Doctor: "Nice to meet you, (Y/n), but I must leave, bye, see you later."

B0red: "Bye! Now then, come along (Y/n) I need to show you something."

You: "What?"

B0red: "It's a surprise

You: "Yay!"

*a few seconds later.*

B0red: "Here we are. You go ahead, I have some... things to do."

You: "Ok, see you later."

*Your POV*

You walked outside and looked around. A child that looked a lot like you passed right next to you. You looked up at the place in front of you, it was a pizzeria.

You: "Wait, this is, right when the pizzeria changed owners..."

You walked inside the pizzeria and saw that it was a party. You saw your name and the animatronics were there, they were all torn apart and they looked dusty and very dirty.

You: "I wonder who the owner is."

You saw Foxy's Pirate cove was put out of order, but Freddy still called out for Foxy.  Soon the happy pirate came out, his endoskeleton was visible and he looked like somebody beat him up... maybe the new owner?

You stayed somewhere in the back. Then your eyes drifted to the scene, when you heard a girl, her voice similar to yours, say.

Little you: "Mommy, look at the Fox! He's so fluffy, and his teeth are so sharp!"

Foxy's mouth was dangling but, it could close shut at any moment. You studied Foxy's movements but somebody touched your hand making your vision settle on a 26 year old looking guy, he was good looking, you blushed a very fade pink, he was wearing a black bow-tie and a black hat, just like Freddy, you assumed he was the manager.

Manager: " Are you having a good time?"

You: "Y-yes, why are you-"

Smack, you heard a big slap sound that made your head hurt where your frontal lobe was. It was painful, you fell down to the ground holding your head in your arms, in the pain that you felt, you managed to look at the stage and saw, what you assumed it was your body, lye on the ground in a puddle of blood, you looked at your hands and saw blood on them, you then touched your head and felt it sting.


You woke up sweating and in tears.

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