Night 3: "Pizza?"

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*Your POV*

You: "Guys, I have an idea."

You went to the door where Chica was and oppened it. Chica looked at you.

Chica: "Pizza?"

You went away from Chica and you looked at B0red. B0red looked at you with a 'What is it?' look.

You: "Use your Screwdriver thingy on her."

B0red: "Oh, right!"

B0red searched in her pockets her face becoming more surprised.

B0red: "Uh... oh..."

You: "What?"

B0red: "I forgot my Sonic in the TARDIS..."

Mark & You: "What?!"

B0red: "Hehe..."

Chica: "Pizza?"

You and the other two went back until you hit another wall. When you turned around you realized that you all backed up in Bonnie... You gulped and closed your eyes, not wanting to see what Chica would do to you and the others.

To your surprise, they all picked you and Mark and B0red up and took all of you to the costume room in which you were all shoved in costumes.

The next day, you saw what costumes all of you had, B0red was a cat, Mark was a weird looking pink thing that shouted " WhyAmIAlive?" And you were... an octopus.

The kids looked at you tree and started laughing at the goofy songs you were singing and then you realized that you were going deaf, the sound in the costume was loud and powerful making your ears hurt.

And then for years and years you did the exact, same, thing every day. The worst part was, when they changed your costumes.

The first one to die  was Mark, which got EXTERMINATED because he bit a finger off a kid that was sticking it in his mouth.

The next one was B0red which got pushed off the stage by a kid, when she fell the costume leaked blood from it's eyes, you imagined what happened and you almost puked.

The last one was you.Every costume had, for some reason, an eject button and when a kid pushed the button every single wire and cable scratched you horribly making you lose a lot of blood and... die.

The End. :D


Well, isn't this a  happy end, I think this is the story in which, I and the reader died the most times.

Also, just a rhing for me to remember : NEVER forget your Sonic Screwdriver in the TARDIS.

Cause this could happen.


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