Night 4: "What if..."

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*B0red's POV*

We were all sitting in the park, Mark was eating a sandwhich and (Y/n) was sitting on the bench next to me and Mark.

You: "So, what you're telling me is that the guy inside Foxy is still... alive?"

B0red: "Yes, and I have the feeling that all the kids are alive, and they are stuck inside those costumes..."

Mark: "And what could we do to save the kids?"

B0red: "hmmm.. well we could tear up the costumes and release the kids."

You: "W-w-what?"

I and Mark looked at  (Y/n) and then back at each other, I put my hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

B0red: "Look, (Y/n) I know you... love Foxy put, the person inside Foxy is suffering, he is near death, we must save him, and the rest..."

(Y/n)nodded. She seemed to understand but, I don't think she likes the idea of her favourite animatronic to be destroyed.

Mark: "Come on, we have to go to work."

*timeskip brought to you by the TARDIS*

*Your POV*

B0red: "Let's do this."

You: "R-Right... "

Mark: "Hey... (deep emotional epic voice, you know, Mark's voice.) I know it's hard to lose someone you love, even if it's made of metal, but the one you love, is inside the metal costume."

Mark smiled at you and hugged you to make you feel better. You smiled back at Mark and then you got to the door.

B0red: "Are you ready to do this?"

You: "Yes..."

B0red smiled at you.

B0red: "Here, (B0red handed you the sonic screwdriver.) it's already set to the right setting, all you have to do is press the button.. take care."

You smiled at B0red, it wasn't like it was your first time going to Foxy. You got out and practicaly ran to the pirate cove as fast as Foxy.

Foxy: "L-laddie?"

You: "Foxy... I know how you feel, alone, left out, everybody points at you if something bad happens, but, right now... you have to trust me."

Foxy looked at you, he got up and you took him to the main room.

You: "Alright, let's just get over with this."

B0red and Mark nodded, you gave B0red her Sonic back and then you closed the right door, as Freddy was about to enter, you then looked away from Foxy, not wanting to see what would happen.

*A few cuts later.*

???: "*cough* W-Where am i?"

B0red: "You are safe, and that's all that matters."

B0red said and bandaged him where his wound were, they were mostly on his facial area.

The weird person looked around, you glanced at him, he didn't look to bad, he actually looked hot. (a/:n: "he is 17 or 16 so it's not weird.) He had dirty, red hair that looked like Foxy's fur, his eyes were also a dark red colour and he had a hook for a hand. His clothing looked like a pirate and he was pale as snow.

You: "Who are you?"

???: "Uhm... Most people call me Foxy, I've been named that for so long that, I forgot my own must be... (Y/n)..."

He looked at you and smirked a bit, his eyes went wide.

Foxy: "The other's, they are still in the animatronics, they are still alive, you have to help them!"

B0red: "Foxy, you stay here with (Y/n), me and Mark will take care of the other animatronics. Wish us good luck."

With that B0red and Mark left. You looked at the clock and it was 3am and the power was at 68%

You: "So, how's it like... in the costume?"

Foxy: "It's cold, it reeks of death and it almost made me go deaf but.. it had good parts."

He got up and went to sit down next to you.

You: "What were the good parts?"

He put his hand on your cheek and rubed it with his thumb.

Foxy: "The day I met you, was... a change for me. I felt love and the power to continue came back to me... You made my heart pound again, you found love where there shouldn't be any, you looked at me as a friend, as a lover, not as an enemy and not as a killing machine...."

He got closer to you, his raspy deep voice was making your heart pound and your face heat up, you felt like melting in his dark, red eyes. Soon his lips met yours and the kissing began, his hand went into your hair and he started brushing it. You blush as you feel how nervouse he is. He pulled away.

You giggled at him, he stared straight into your (E/c) eyes.

Foxy: "I... I'm sorry, I never kissed anybody."

You: "It's ok, it's my first time too."

You both smiled sweetly at each other looking like dummies.

You: "It sure is cold here."

Foxy: "Yeah..."

Foxy got closer to you as you got the tablet/camera from the table. Foxy soon got you in his embrace, just like his lips, his embrace was delicate as to not hurt you.

You: "Foxy?"

Foxy: "Yes, (Y/n)?"

You: "Did you ever felt lonely in that costume?"

Foxy: "Most of the days, yes. I don't know why though, I mean, with all those kids around I guess I would feel a bit more comfort, but that's what scared me the most. I didn't know how to control the costume and when I bit that kid, I felt horrible."

You: "I imagine."

You looked up at him and into his red eyes. You got closer to his face and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. You backed away.

You: "You are so.. new."

Foxy: "New, new Foxy."

He laughed and you did too, it was the beggining of something beautiful. you looked at the clock, it was 4am and the power was at 56%, still no sign of Mark or B0red.


So, new new Foxy, new new chapter, new new doctor. (am I right?)

*sound in the distance*  WhyAmIAlive?!"

Ok, what was weird, but, whatevs. So, I had this idea while I was decorating my room, because, Romanian or not, I Love Halloween.  Also, this story is exploding with numbers, I mean you guys like this story and I'm glad, if I hit 30 followers I will make a top 30 facts about me, because I want you to know a little more about me.

What is going to be your costume this year? I am going to be Spongebob Squarepants.


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