Chapter 1: The bite of 87.

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(a/n: "This will involve a bit of time traveling, because... why not? Also, Y/n - your name.)

*3rd person.*

(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered wide open when her alarm went off, she rubbed her eyes and pushed the alarm button, making the noise stop. She got out of bed and stretched her arms and then went and did her normal day to day routine, little did she know that today she would get to meet someone new.

After she got out of the bathroom she skipped happily to the kitchen to greet her mom and dad, her dad was sitting at the table reading a newspapper, and her mom was preparing breakfast for both of them.

Dad: "Guess what, (Y/n)!" (her father said in a happy tone.)

You: "What?" (Y/n  responded with a mouth full of cereal.)

Dad: "We got you a job."

Y/n remained silent, yet surprised. She smiled widely and she eagerly asked to find out more.

You: "Where is it? How many hours will I work?"

Dad: "It's in a pizzeria called... Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, if I remember correctly, and you will work at night 12pm to 6 am. "

You: "Sounds good! Where is it located?"

Her dad handed (Y/n) a piece of papper with the location, she nodded and finished her meal than sprinted through the door, only to bump into a blue box that appeared out of nowhere.

You: "Ouch." (Y/n said rubbing her head.)

(Y/n) looked up as she heard a voice.

???: "I'm sorry, I'm the Author. You must be (Y/n), come with me." (The Author said as she helped (Y/n) get up.) (a/n: No this is not the surprise guest, this is just me.)

You:" What?"

Author: "You wanted to see where you would work, right?"

You: "Yes, but..."

Author: "Than come along!"

(Y/n) followed this girl into the blue box and remained in awe when she saw how big it was on the inside. The TARDIS started making sounds and soon it stopped.

The Author was a girl with long black hair, brown eyes, a long grey coat, a red bow-tie, a t-shirt that had written "Bow-ties are cool" on it, skinny blue jeans and some boots.

You: "Where are we?"

Author: "We are in 1987, and as to what location, why don't you go outside and check it out?"

(Y/n) gulped and exited the box, to find herself at the pizzeria. She entered the place and she was greated by sounds of kids singing and having a good time.

She looked at the stage and saw three animatronics. She inspected them carefuly, one was a bear that had a bow-tie, kinda like the Author and a goofy voice, the other one that got (Y/n)'s attention was a purple bunny that sang and danced.

The other one was a chicken, but (Y/n) interpreted it as a duck.

You: "That's a funny  duck..."

Children: "It's Chica, she's a chicken."

You: "Oh, and who are the others?"

A kid: "The bunny is Bonnie, the bear is Freddy and the chicken is Chica. Oh! and the fox is Foxy."

You: "Fox?"

She looked again at the stage and saw that Freddy was calling a certain Foxy. Nobody came. She glanced at a purple tent and heard someone speaking inside, she approached it

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