Special: "Christmas!!"

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You and Foxy prepared food while your parents were still away, Christmas food to be more exact, while you were trying to make the pudding, Foxy got the tree and you both decorated it, in the end it looked nice and glowy.

You: "Food, done. Tree, done. Where are my parents?!"

Foxy: "Are ye worried?"

You: "Yes, I am..."

You said and called your mom, she answeared it.

You: "Where are you guys?"

Mom: "Sorry hunny, we can't arrive, the planes are all out due to the snow.."

You: "So, you won't be here for Christmas?"

You felt tears build up in your eyes as Foxy put his hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner. You ended up the call with an 'I love you' and then Foxy hugged you tightly.

Foxy: "Hey, don't worry... it's gonna be alright... let's invite our friends, ya know Mark and B0red."

You nodded as you were quite sad your parents couldn't come, you called B0red and she said she could come and so did Mark, when they arrived, they were changed, B0red atleast was a new person, not so much to say for Mark.

As we all sat around the table, and wished us Merry Christmas and gave us gifts, sang carols, played some games and ate the food, you realized that, you were with family and that you were having a blast!

Later, after the dinner, you and Foxy got on the balcony and started talking random stuff, until Foxy got closer to you, closer, until your lips were almost touching each other, he pointed up and you saw a mistletoe. You soon wrapped your hands around his neck and Foxy smashed his lips on yours, as you were having a fiery make out scene on the floor, accompaniated by the sounds of fireworks. Foxy pulled away and smiled at you.

Foxy: "Merry Christmas lass..."

He purred and you pulled him back in the kiss, it was the best christmas you could imagine, because you spent it with your lover, playing with each other and doing other stuff while Mark and B0red were having an eating contest. She went to the kitchen to ask for something...

B0red: "Hey guys, have you-.... never mind..."

B0red backed out slowly as she felt an akward wind pass by.


Out of order? (Foxy x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now