Chapter 1-

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|First real chapter ahhh I'm so excited|

With Roman in the drama class:

First time being cast in any role in this class! First time!

I nervously walk up to the board and peek over another person's shoulder.

The lead: Some random bitch

The second Lead: Another random bitch

Blah blah blah......

Oh my Gooseberries, please tell me I'm not a bush.

Villain: Roman Evergressen



Virgil's POV-

One of the members of my class today didn't agree with there casting. He yelled at our teacher Mr. Whiticker.

I was fine being sound design. He was lucky, he got a main role in the story.

Apparently, though, he didn't see it that way.



"I'm sorry Mr. Whiticker but this HAS TO BE a mistake! I mean SERIOUSLY! I am a hero! Not some dastardly bastardly villain!"

Mr. Whiticker looks at him, clearly done with his bullshit.

"Treason! TREASON! I mean it too! All of you! I'll send the dragon with after you!"

Mr.Whiticker rubbed his temples frustrated.
"Roman, you are so dumb." he said simply "wanna be a bush instead?"

"WHAT? No!"

"Then shut your trap-" The drama teacher was cut off by the bell for lunch.

Third Person POV-

Patton skipped down into the lunch hall and into the pottery club where he and Virgil normally eat lunch. Today he was wearing a skirt which gained a couple of snickers from some of the girls in the hallway.

He looked around the classroom as when he found Virgil he heelied over, tripped, and fell into Virgil's arms.

"Woah Patton-Cake! You should not be using those things! You are like the most clumsy person ever."

Patton just giggled and got himself back up "Sorry Kiddo! Anyways whatcha' making?"

Virgil was currently trying to sculpt a skull. It looked more like a very pathetic jack-O'-lantern.


Before Virgil could finish making his skull the bell rang. Panic shocked through him. He had P.E next, his worst subject. The P.E teacher hated him.

He begrudgingly made his way to P.E with Patton. He walked into the locker rooms.

The worst [Or best] part of having P.E after lunch is that the sports kids all change at the same time Virgil does. Virgil was very gay and being stuck in a closed space with so many masculine bodies always was embarrassing.

He glanced over to his right and saw Remus, the local weirdo take a bite out of his deodorant. He quickly looked down again and just focused on changing.

He wished his locker was closer to Patton's. That way they could help each other. Virgil would not be tormented by Remus, and Patton wouldn't get made fun of by the homophobes.

Of course, those things would probably still happen. Nobody ever seemed to care who else was there.


Virgil walked over to the lineup. Today was dodgeball. Which he actually liked, since all the bullies were on his team. That meant he could focus on the game.

Virgil turned to the side trying to see Patton. He glanced around before he landed on Patton. 'Wait... What is that thing on his ear?' Virgil wondered.

The coach blew the whistle. Many kids started to run to the center but Virgil walked over to Patton.

"Hey!" Patton said happily

"Hey. What's that on your ear?"

Patton's face looked confused. Before turning serious. He quickly reached up to his ear covering what was on it. "That? Oh," he smiled nervously "that's nothing!"

Virgil rolled his eyes and grabbed Patton's hand. Lowering it so Virgil could see.
On Patton's ear was a Soul Earing ™️.
How a Soul Ring ™️ works are that it appears to be rainbow until you pass by your soulmate. Then it turns white, once you meet your soulmate and get to know them, it changes to a color based on how your soulmate is feeling. It works even if your soulmate doesn't have a Soul Ring ™️.
Patton's Soul Ring ™️ continued flashing different colors.

Virgil looked at Patton "Why didn't you wanna tell me you got one?"

Patton now had a blush on his face. "Last n-night when we texted you texted me that you thought they were dumb scams and that they are going to be the reason our species goes extinct."

Virgil stared at Patton before he started laughing. "Patton! That last part was just a joke, " he stopped laughing "If you believe in that stuff than I think you should go for it. Don't let what I say stop you."

"Really?" He asked

"Of co-" Virgil was hit by a dodgeball. He fell to the ground hitting a metal safety bar on the way down.

Next chapter:

Virgil awoke in the nurses room.

"Guess those safety bars aren't too safe huh, virge?"

Awkward Antics [Sanders Sides Highschool AU] Prinxiety+LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now