Chapter 6

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The following day:

Patton ran out to Virgil giving him a hug as they started to walk to school.

"Hey, you didn't answer my calls! You okay?" Virgil asked

Patton smiled "I left my phone in Mr. Berry's car."

Virgil stared at him "W-What?! Wait did you...did he...?"

Patton smiled "Yup! He drove home home!"

"I-oh never mind...that was very...nice of him?"

"Yeah! That was after Remus held me at knifepoint!"

"He did what?!" Virgil yelled. "Your messing with me right?"

"Nope! Don't worry though it all ended out fine. I'm sure he didn't mean it."

Virgil groaned "Sometimes, you under react ."

Patton giggled as they walked into the school. He immediately started heading to Logan's classroom.

He entered grabbing his phone and checking if everything was there. "Thank you so much Mr. Berry!" He said happily before giving Logan a hug.

"Please stop calling me that. Call me Logan."

"Whatever you say!"

At lunch with Roman:

I was just about to give up on all of my dreams when I saw her again.

I followed her down the halls, watching as she went inside a classroom. The classroom for the pottery club? A Renaissance women! This has to be my soulmate!


With Virgil and Patton:
Virgil was busy trying to make another art piece when one of the kids in his theatre class approached there table. "Hello miss!" He said proceeding to kiss Patton's hand.

Virgil quickly stood up "Oh hell no! You better not have just have assaulted Patton you fu-"

"Oh-um hi!...your the guy with the sword right?" Patton asked nervously as the mystery man chuckled. "Yes, that was me, say did I scare you?" Roman winked at Virgil before slowly pushing him back down in his seat. He sat in the seat next to Patton.

"Yeah"Patton laughed nervously "So...what's your name?"

*gASP*"You don't know? I'm Roman!"

"Well-Roman...uh what are you doing here?"

Roman held up his hand and revealed his Soul Ring ™️ which was white like Patton's.

Patton gasped "You're my soulmate?!" He said excitedly

"It seems so my dear...say what's YOUR name?" Roman asked with a smirk.


P"Well my names Patton but people like to call me Dad."


V "Don't"

R "Anyways Patton...wait are you a boy?"

P "Well I'm certainly not a dog!"

R "No- never mind. What I was going to ask is if you wanted to have a study session in my house. Think of it as like a first date."

Virgil covered Patton's ears "Sorry Robitch But I don't trust you alone with Patton."

Patton had a very large confused smile on "I'm very scared why are my ears being covered."

Virgil uncovered Patton's ears.

"Oh c'mon panic at the disco_ this is true love and fate not some sort of fan fiction."

Virgil frowned "Well maybe you should go take your Disney movie lovey dovey stuff," He covered Patton's ears again "and shove it up your ass."

"He is surely not that innocent."

Virgil stared at the prince angrily "He failed sex Ed."

Roman looked at Virgil. A long awkward silence started as they realized the classroom had quieted down and now everyone was looking at them.

"I'm going to go kill myself." Virgil groaned as a couple kids snickered in the back seats of the class. Roman had a deep blush.

"Fine then...Patton lets go on a date to...the library! Deal?"

Patton didn't respond. Virgil hadn't taken his hands off his ears.

Roman groaned and forcibly took one of them off. "Patton...want to come on a date to the library? We can read and I'll back some cookies." Patton nodded enthusiastically.

Virgil rolled his eyes. At least Patton would be getting some cookies.

"Good! So now that your my boyfriend."

"Dog friend?" Patton asked

"No- what? What does that even...?"

"One Of life's biggest questions." Patton said reverting to very serious Patton mode.

"Right...and as for you.." he turned to Virgil and mouthed 'stop cockblocking me'

Next chapter:

"I'm taking these for...research."

Awkward Antics [Sanders Sides Highschool AU] Prinxiety+LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now