Chapter 21

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Trigger Warning.

Virgil's POV:

Fate is a cruel mistress.

Forcing me with Him.


Virgil walked up to the stairs to his house, opening the door. He snuck in, he wasn't supposed to be out at this time, his parents wouldn't like it. He crept up the stairs quiet as a mouse and shut his door.


Patton's POV:

I look down at the box and sigh. Taking a photo of it to remember it by.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

I know I'll never get another chance like this again, I know I have to do this. Now or never. My soulmate can wait.

I remove my earrings.


Walking down the street in jeans and a hoodie, Patton turns into the post office. Placing his box in the mail bin.

He can't stop the tears that escape him. He knows it was worth it though.


Virgils POV:

I stare at the photo. I know I shouldn't be looking but, Patton happened to leave his phone on the counter while he got lunch and I couldn't help but snoop.

She was pretty, Long curly brown hair, green eyes, freckles dotted her face, jewelry of every kind. She looked almost exactly like how he I imagined her from Patton's stories.

Patton's mother.

I don't know how she died, he never told me. All I know is that she did and he was sad by it for a long time. That's why he lives off of Twenty dollars each day, it's his allowance from his Aunt. His new caretaker.

I want to keep looking, see his father. See him when he was young and with them. I restrain myself. I've already looked too deep.


Remus walked down the empty hall. He entered his room and saw Deceit. Deceit told him the news.

He knew something was wrong.

He wasn't an idiot.

He knew because... Deceits Soul Ring was still white.

He didn't say anything.


Roman's POV-

Jessssussss Christ

How long did it take to get laaaiiid

My phone buzzes and I go to answer.


Roman gets a text from Emilie

Sent from my one and only hope at this point at 5:45 PM


I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to a Party?
Sent from my one and only hope at this point at 5:45 PM

Yes! 😉

No winks!
Sent from my one and only hope at this point at 5:45 PM


So have you heard of the Biggie?
Sent from my one and only hope at this point at 5:45 PM

Ummm ofc only the biggest party of the year?

Remy took my phone anyways yeah I have

Wanna go? I have an extra invite!
Sent from my one and only hope at this point at 5:45 PM

Oh, I think I'm invited

Sent from my one and only hope at this point at 5:46 PM

Since it's being held at my house??

Your joking
Sent from my one and only hope at this point at 5:46 PM

No I am not lol so yeah I GUESS you can come

💜 💗 💘
Sent from my one and only hope at this point at 5:46 PM


With Remus-

I walked calmly down the street. I noticed the innocent one Roman talks to walking down the street. Was he...crying?

Oh it's def time to bully him.

Five min later third person-

Remus ate up his cranberry flavored cotton candy.

He felt like he was supposed to be doing something.

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