Chapter 4

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*After school with Patton at the front gate*

Patton dug through his bag to grab his keys. Something he did every time he was earlier than Virgil. Since he lived on the second floor and was always paranoid someone would be able to see up his skirt as he looked through his bag. 

"Huh?...where did my keys go?" he whispered to himself as Virgil walked up behind him. "Hey Pat, what you looking for?" the emo asked as he peered over Patton's shoulder.

Patton looked up at him "My keys are gone...I Think I'm going to have to walk to my Aunt Patty's job to get her key's."

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Patton...I don't think that's a safe idea. When does she get off work? Can you wait here?"

"No...she gets off at eight."

Virgil cringed "Isn't her job like...three miles away?"

Patton went on google maps and shook his head "Four and a half."

Virgil sighed "Want me to...?"

Patton shook his head quickly. "No! I can do this, besides... I would rather be home in two hours than five!"

Virgil nodded before getting up and helping Patton up.


Roman saw a maiden in the halls with a white ring. He quickly tried to chase after her, but people kept getting in the way! He lost her when he ran into the Janitor who he knocked over the bucket of and had to fetch new water AND clean up the spill.

Remy who had been calmly walking after him this whole time put a hand on his shoulder. "You're taking this soulmate thing a little...far."

"n-no I AM NOT!" Prince said offended by the comment. He quickly walked outside and through the school gates in search of the lady he had lost.

The prince looked around "UGH! I lost her!" he whined as Remy rolled his eyes. "You probably would've just scared her away anyway, about we just go get Starbucks instead- and he's gone."


Patton had just begun his long treck back to Aunt Patty's job. When he was suddenly pulled behind a tree. His backpack got flung to the ground and when he opened his eyes...he saw Remus...holding a knife.

"Sup' fuckerrr." Remus giggled as Patton stared at him with confusion, fear, and a lotta' both.

Remus smiled at him "So- I have a deal for ya' and if you listen and don't'll get to keep all your hair okay?"

Before Patton could respond, a mystery man dramatically punched Remus to the ground taking out a...katana?!

Romans Point of view:

I punched Remus in the face and unsheathed my katana out of my backpack. In a princely manner, I hurled insults at him and his ugly face, before turning and eloquently holding out my hand to the maiden I had just saved, I opened my eyes as I was telling her no thanks was needed and... By gooseberries, she was gone!


Patton had grabbed his backpack and ran from the site. Tears streaming down his face. Being held at knifepoint had shaken him to his core and frankly, Roman showing up with a bigger knife didn't help anything. He ran down one street, then down another, until finally, he had run in front of a car that honked at him. He moved out of its way but it continued to honk. Patton shakily moved closer to it, where he saw that the driver was his philosophy teacher Mr. Berry.

Patton was VERY close to Mr.Berry, who always insisted on being called Logan. Patton had joined the philosophy class last year, and after being held back he had joined it again.

Patton after seeing the driver had run up and opened the door to the driver's side before slamming it shut. It wasn't until now that he had realized he was bleeding out of a gash in his leg. When did he get that?

Logan turned to Patton "What's going on? Are you okay?"

Patton turned to Logan. He could feel himself tearing up, he quickly broke out in sobs trying to squeeze out words to describe what had happened.
Next chapter:
"Woah that was like, so gay."

Awkward Antics [Sanders Sides Highschool AU] Prinxiety+LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now