Chapter 24

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Hey, guys, I have a one-shot book~~shameless Promo muhuahauaha|

I'm sorry|

Patton had his hands over his ears. He didn't want to hear any more. Remus had started talking about doing bad things to dogs and Patton couldn't take it. Trying to block out his voice.

He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder, he opened his eyes and saw it was Logan. Remus was nowhere to be found.

"Mr.Berry! He gasped, uncovering his ears.

"Patton? Are you alright?"

"y-yeah! What are you doing here?"

"I came here to drop off some papers."

Patton folded his hands together nervously as he felt his face heat up. His crush had grown significantly over the course of the week.

Logan left to do something else, waving Patton goodbye. Patton sighed as he got up, he didn't have any money for food anyways, he spent it all on his mother's pendant.

He walked to the bathroom and locked himself in a stall.


At PE.

Patton noticed Virgil in P.E, "hey...where were you?"

Guilt instantly filled Virgil "Oh, Deceit wanted me to do something."

"D-Deceit? Why would you listen to him?" Virgil realized Patton didn't know Deceit was his soulmate

"He's my soulmate."

"What?!" Patton was shocked, Deceit was not a...nice person. He didn't want Virgil to have to go through that.

"It's fine!" Virgil reassured the innocent one "he's nice when you get to know him...okay?"

Patton nodded reluctantly


With Remus:

I noticed Patton had stopped listening, so I got up and went to go check up on Deceit and Virgil. Man, they are getting closer by the second.

However, it'll never work out. They aren't really soulmates. How it will probably work out is, Deceit will lock Virgil in a room and they'll fuck once, then Deceit will come to his senses.

That's probably the plan for tonight, actually, since Deceit already invited him over to his place. He told me not to come over tonight, I'm going to anyway.


Emilie texted Remus-

Sent From Bros little bitch at 6:54 PM

Hey hot stuff 😘

I charge ten bucks an hour but kinks are an extra 5

I wanted to ask you what I could get Roman for a present
Sent From Bros little bitch at 6:54 PM

A dildo, that boi is horny as fuck

Bonus if it's Disney themed

No like a real gift, not something you would give him
Sent From Bros little bitch at 6:54 PM

Your body

Can it not be sex-themed?
Sent From Bros little bitch at 6:54 PM

Have you met my brother? Maybe he'd appreciate you getting him an apology card

Sent From Bros little bitch at 6:54 PM

Cause you won't give him a dildo, glitter penis

It's not healthy for relationships to be based on sex...
Sent From Bros little bitch at 6:54 PM

Maybe a sword

Or like- a
Super soaker but instead of water it holds poisoned cool aid

Oooo! I got one! A photo of himself! That bastard will love it!

That last one is actually a decent idea! Good job Remus I'm proud of you :)
Sent From Bros little bitch at 6:55 PM

No problem glitter penis


Remy drove Emilie home, they talked about cartoons. Well, Emilie talked about cartoons. Remy listened.

Awkward Antics [Sanders Sides Highschool AU] Prinxiety+LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now