Chapter 7

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Virgil and Patton both exchanged numbers with Roman.

"Alright! I'll see you later my dear." Roman smirked at Patton "Say, what's your next class?"

"P.E" Patton answered, his smiling face figuratively lighting up the classroom.

"Ah, I have math...well I suppose I'll see you after school! Who picks you up?"

"Actually prince not-so-charming, he walks home with me." Virgil growled.

"Oh! Well then I can drive you home~" Roman cooed

Patton shook his head yes "That'd be great!"

Virgil opened his mouth in an 'o' shape.

Roman laughed triumphantly, now blushing slightly "Alright you can come home with me~"

"Wait wasn't that offer to drive us to our houses?" Patton asked confused as Virgil facepalmed, closing his mouth.

"Well-yes drive you home, not...the emo nightmare."

"Oh, then no thanks!" Patton said smoothly and happily.

Roman groaned "Okay okay, he can come."

Virgil smirked "Damn right I can."

Patton gasped "Language!"

The bell rang aand Virgil took the opportunity to say a couple of words to Roman.

The locker rooms with Virgil-

Virgil reluctantly changed as he watched the very muscular bodies around him. When he saw Remus drawing on his fake mustache looking in a mirror taped to his locker. Virgil finished changing and walked over to Remus.

He doesn't know what came over him, but he knew he needed to talk to Remus.
"Hey Remus, look Patton said you tried to threaten him, is that...true?"

Remus turned and smiled slyly "Yeah I guess it is emo. What's it to you anyway?"

Virgil tried to contain his anger "I don't give a damn what you do to me but, don't fucking mess with Patton."

Remus giggled and shut his locker, locking it and skipping out of the locker room.

Virgil sighed and walked to meet Patton.

Virgil was sitting at his desk in drama, today they were just reading and practicing their lines informally. When Roman sat down next to him and groaned "Ugh! I got such an unacceptable role!"

Virgil rolled his eyes "I Think he's noble."

"Noble?! He's evil!"

"For good reason, did you even read his backstory?" Virgil sneered.

Roman blushed "I guess I could take a look at his backstory." he mumbled.

After school, Virgil and Roman met Patton at the front gate.

Patton ran up and they all walked to Remy's car.

"Wait wait wait! Your friends with Remy Deprived?!" Virgil asked in an almost annoyed tone.

"Well yeah, I'm the popular and handsome Roman tuffél Evergressen after all!"


The next day:

Patton ran up to Virgil to walk to school with him. Virgil smiled befor giving Patton a big hug. Patton showed Virgil a box "Look! This was sent by pigeon from Roman!" Patton said excitedly.

Virgil took the box and opened it. In it were a couple of lollipops, a poem which Virgil was pretty sure was ripped out of a library book because of the half present library stamp on the back, a red rose, and various shirtless photos of the Prince in suggestive positions.

Virgil sputtered before closing the box. "Patton?"

"Yeah, kiddo?"

"Next time he sends you something, let me look through it before you look inside okay?"

Patton was puzzled but still agreed.

"And as for these, " Virgil opened it and removed the photos  "I'm taking these for...research."

Patton was confused by the statement but still allowed him to take them, thankful that his soulmate and his bffl were getting along so well!

Meanwhile with Deceit and Remus:

Deceit angrily paced the floor of his house as Remus watched smiling. "I don't know what to do! Hopelesssssssss! Virgil keepsss falling farther and farther from my grasp!" he said angrily.

"You could just do what the giraffes do-"



"Shut the fuck up."

Next chapter:
"Oh, get off my dick emo nightmare."

"Sure thing but first I have to get on."

Awkward Antics [Sanders Sides Highschool AU] Prinxiety+LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now