Chapter 7

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Ok guys so I would like some more reads please help me.


One week later

Chandler POV

so its been a month since everything happened and Madison hasn't woke up yet. But she is still human. We have more people here we took some in from the Governor he just disappeared one day but I know he is always there.

"Carl your turn on watch!" my dad yells from the bottom of the stairs.

"ok be down in a bit!"

I haven't seen or checked on Madison since Hershel said she could die. And if I checked on her my girlfriend would think I'm cheating on her.

"het babe so what are we doing tonight?" my girlfriend said as she came into my cell.

"Britney I think I'm just going to........TICKLE YOU TO DEATH!" I said and started to tickle her but she started to scream so I stopped quickly.

"no really Carl I mean we have been dating for a week and two days so we should do something.!" she said seriously.

Beth POV

I have been with Madison everyday to keep her company which she probably doesn't even know I'm here cuz she is like in a coma thing but I just stay.

"Beth?" I heard a faint voice say I look down at Madison to see her eyes open!


after I said that I heard some foot steps coming my way I turned around to see it was Hershel and her mom and Rick and Daryl.

"how are you feeling sweetie?" here mom asks while hugging her.

"good and I really want to get out of this cell to get some air. Can I?" she said while looking at my dad.

Madison POV

all I could think about was Carl by then I heard people down stairs.

"um is there more people here?" I said while sitting up.

"yeah so yes you can go outside but be careful do not hurt yourself please!" Hershel said.

"ok thanks. Um Beth can you help me walk?"

"of course I'm your best friend ain't I?" she said in a weird voice.

she helped me up and we started to walk down the stairs but I was looking around for Carl but

instead I find him sucking some girls face off. So I just ignored it and just started to walk away from them and Beth.

"hey! Were do you think you are going Madison!" but as soon as she said my name everyone was now looking at me even Carl. Witch made me yell at them

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL STARING AT IM HUMAN IM NOT A MONSTER!" I was now trying to hold back tears since Carl didn't even say hi or say your ok.

"And Beth I'm fine on my own now thanks anyways." I said and walked outside to the guard tower.

I was now sitting with my knees up to my chest crying. But then I heard laughter come up the stairs.

"come on Carl we can be alone up here!" I heard some high pitch voice say.

I was looking at the ground so if they came up here HE wouldn't have to see me crying.

the door swings open and all I see is Carl standing there staying at me with those beautiful blue crystal clear eyes.

"um so I guess we will be leaving." he said and just left me there alone.

One hour later.

Madison POV

i am still in the guard tower cuz i don't want to see Carl or his little girlfriend.

i heard footsteps coming up again and all i could think is don't be Carl don't be Carl.

but the door opened and i see a boy my age with blonde hair and blue eyes and braces.

"can i sit up here with you?" he asked very sweetly.

"yeah. So um what's your name?"

"Sam what is yours?"


"so i heard you are the one that was in a coma for a while? And that you are single?"

i just laughed at the last part. And he just blushed so i just scooted over to him and kissed his cheek.

"yeah you?"


we just looked into each others eyes and he learned in.and so did i and we kissed. But it started to get heated and he was now on top of me making out with me but it felt good to kiss someone.

we pulled back for air and he just gave me a side ways smile and said "Madison will you be my girlfriend?"

End ( carl grimes love story)Where stories live. Discover now