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"Lou, how are we gonna get there? I mean the only car available is Paul's van," Niall asks as the boys and I walk towards the back entrance of the hotel.
"Exactly," Louis smirks as he dangles a set of car keys in our faces.

"All clear," Louis whispers as the three of us peak our heads out of the back door in search of paparazzi, reporters and crazy fans.
Louis leads us out the door and to the van, the sound of screaming fans heard from the front of the building.

We all hop into the van with Louis in the drivers seat, Niall in the passenger seat and myself in the back. I can't help but daydream as I look outside the van window and feel an overwhelming sense of freedom, something I haven't felt in years due to my controlling management who control my every move.
They would kill me right now if they could see me.

"Fuck sake Louis, drive faster!"

"Niall for the last time this is the recommended speed limit!"

"Yeah, for a grandad," Niall mumbles rolling his eyes.
"I heard that asshole," Louis sasses.
"You were supposed to," Niall mimicks back.

"Niall, it is not my fault that I am a responsible
motorist who is fully aware of the lives I carry in this vehicle," Louis yells as he continues to drive on the highway at the same speed limit.

"Responsible motorist? Louis it took you 14 times to pass your test you absolute idiot!" Niall yells back and I can't help but laugh as the two of the them continue to yell and argue with each other.

As I look out of the window once more, a slight laugh escaping my mouth, I notice something behind us and instantly my stomach drops. I jump up out of my seat and face the back window of the van to get a better view.
"Guys!" I yell as I feel the panic bubble up inside of me.

"And that is exactly why you shouldn't be the one to drive Niall, it's just-" Louis continues to yell at Niall as he drives,

"Guys!" I scream in order for them to hear me over their stupid bickering.

"Lilli what are you doing? Put your belt on and sit back down now! Are you crazy, see Niall this is your influence directly-" Louis yells and I can't help but roll my eyes as I see the issue coming closer.

"My influence? How is this my influence Louis when you were the one to-" Niall yells back as he carelessly flings his hands as he speaks.

"Louis, Niall shut the fuck up!" I yell and instantly they are quiet. I can't help but laugh at their faces as they are truly startled by my yelling.

"Guys we have an actual issue here. There are 7 paparazzi vans following us and if they get a picture of us together our managements will kill us, especially mine," I explain in a panic, turning back around in my seat.

"Ah shit," Niall mumbles as he runs his hand through his bed head.

"Ok we will quickly order and then get out of here as fast as possible," Louis explains with a concerned look, scrunching his eyebrows.

We all quickly run into McDonalds and instantly become aware of the swarm of paparazzi vans heading in our direction. Louis quickly orders his meal, allowing Niall to order his as the cashier stares at them both with her mouth dropped.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now