sixty eight

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I'm so fucking done with being pregnant.

My back hurts, my vagina hurts, my breasts hurt, my head hurts.

Everything fucking hurts.

"Keep breathing Lilli," Louis advices gently, rubbing my back as I flop my pregnant body into the couch with a large pillow between my legs to soothe the pain.

"It's so sore," I whimper, my voice slightly muffled as I lean into a large cushion and I instantly feel another hand soothing my lower back pain.

I close my eyes and imagine it's Niall's hand even though I know it's not.

I miss him so much even though we text constantly throughout the day and I fall asleep every night with him on FaceTime beside me.

Just the sound of his breathing calms me and I imagine running my hands through his messy hair and planting kisses along his jaw.

He'll be home in 4 days so at least I'll see him soon.

"I'm too warm," I huff, sitting up on the couch with messy hair and wearing only a sports bra and basketball shorts due to the fact that I've been experiencing severe hot flushes for several days.

I glance over at a concerned Louis and Harry who are wearing multiple layers of clothing, including their winter jumpers and I'm reminded of the fact that it's December.

It certainly doesn't feel like it.

I can't deny that I'm being moody but I just can't help it even though I know Louis and Harry are taking really good care of me.

"Hey! It's only me," I hear Liam call out after the slam of the front door but my head is pounding so I just hum in response and put the pillow in between my legs again in an attempt to numb my pain.

Liam appears in the doorway with rosy cheeks from the cold and snow delicately placed on his shoulders and winter hat.

"It's fucking freezing in here, why is the cold air on?" Liam asks with a confused expression, rubbing his hands together to stay warm but I instantly sigh in frustration and groan in pain.

"Liam it's fine-"

"It's so uncomfortably cold in here what the-"

"Oh I'm sorry Liam are you uncomfortable? Have you got a human head pushing into your pelvis causing you immense pain because I don't think so!" I yell loudly before groaning in pain again and feeling Louis' hand reappear on my back.

Harry mumbles something to Liam who walks closer into the room and I instantly feel bad for snapping at him.

It's not Liam's fault at all and he doesn't deserve me fiercely snapping at him.
I'm just in so much pain that I am snapping at everyone for pretty much anything.

I let out a large sigh and whine again, burying my head deeper into the couch until I hear Louis mumble something to Harry.

"I'm sorry Liam, it's not your fault I'm just in so much pain and-"

"Lilli don't apologise, I understand love," Liam reassures gently and I feel tears well up in my eyes as I begin to think about Niall.

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