sixty four

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I'm sorry," I say shyly, my voice small as I apologise for bumping into somebody but I am suddenly held tight by an unknown hand preventing me from walking away and I immediately begin to panic.

The hands creep up around my waist and I close my eyes in fear and struggle to escape as the room is too crowded.

"Niall," I mumble to myself, my voice wobbly and small as the fear consumes my body.

My heart is pounding as I struggle out of the embrace, the loud sound of drunken chatter surrounding me until I eventually turn to see the person holding me.

"Elio!" I yell in relief as I realise that he is the person holding me tight, a drunken smile plastered on his face and I throw myself into his arms with a pounding heart.

"Lilli! Everyone Lilli is my best friend! So pretty and kind and red hair and love her," Elio yells drunkenly before laughing hysterically and clinging on to me for support as he slightly sways from side to side.

"Elio! You scared me," I admit with a smile as I kiss his cheek and sigh in relief, holding him upright.

"I sorry," Elio apologises, a goofy smile on his face as he hysterically bursts out laughing again and I can't help but laugh with him.

"You look beautiful," I say with a smile and his smile immediately brightens before he begins to pose repeatedly like a supermodel making me laugh.

He's in full drag and is wearing a long, glittery purple wig, a metallic two piece superhero costume and huge stiletto heels so he's definitely towering over me as I attempt to hold him up.

"Lilli always beautiful!" Elio slurs drunkenly and I smile once more as I hold his hand and pull us into the corner of the large room.

"Lilli my lipstick needs help," Elio slurs and I immediately know he wants me to help him touch up his lipstick so I open his bag and find the colour, making Elio clap excitedly as he leans against the wall for support.

"Can I borrow this lipstick some time? It's so beautiful," I ask as I gently apply the colour to his lips, slightly laughing as he closes his eyes and pouts at me before chapping his lips together and nodding.

"Your makeup amazing! Who did it?" Elio asks seriously, clearly oblivious of his loud volume as he is drunk and I begin to laugh loudly as he smiles whilst inspecting my clown makeup.

"You did it earlier El! And yes it is amazing," I laugh as Elio pulls a look of confusion before smiling again.

"I did that? Wow," Elio asks quickly before laughing again and planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Lilli! Lilli! Lilli!" Elio whispers excitedly, suddenly jumping up and down and pulling me closer to him.

"What's wrong?" I ask with a slight laugh as Elio beams from ear to ear.

"See that guy over there? That's the guy I really like! He's so beautiful," Elio gushes with a smile, pointing over to a guy dressed as a devil who is holding a drink at the other side of the room.

"He is beautiful," I agree as Elio and I giggle to each other and watch the guy who Elio seems to really like.

I also notice that the guy has been looking over at Elio and a smile immediately appears on my face.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now