twenty seven

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"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Lilli?" Elio smirks at me, holding the box of hair dye in his hand.

"I love that colour so much," I admit, biting my lip nervously as I consider the option of dying my hair.

"It's your colour babe, it would suit you so much! And you know that as your stylist and bestie I would only tell you the truth," Elio explains as he begins to play with my natural auburn coloured hair.

"Vivian would kill me," I say with a laugh as I picture her face when she sees the colour. Her face would probably turn the colour of my hair.
It would be priceless.

"All the more reason to do it," Elio states with a laugh and I suddenly feel the need to do it.
I want to dye my hair this colour.

I want to dye my hair bright red.

For once in my life I am taking control, even if it is something small.

This is my choice, not Vivian's or my management or my publicists or my audience's. This is my choice.

"Let's do it!" I yell excitedly and instantly Elio launches at me, enveloping me in a warm hug.

"I'm so excited for you! Are you sure you want to do this Lilli?" Elio asks as he begins to take his hair equipment out of his bag.

"Yes, I really want to do this! I'm 18 and therefore I'm supposed to do stupid things, I'll just add this experience to the list," I explain with a cheeky smile making Elio laugh loudly as he motions for me to follow him to the bathroom.

"I'm kinda scared, I've never done this before," I admit as he begins to gently brush through my long hair.

"You're lucky you have a professional doing it, if I don't say so myself," Elio states, playfully pretending to swish his hair and I can't help but laugh.

"When I first dyed my hair a million years ago it looked like a smurf had shit on my head because I did it myself with no experience at all!" Elio admits with wide eyes as he shakes his head and cringes at the idea.

"But don't worry, after years and years of training and beauty school and working my way up, I promise that you will have the most gorgeous, healthy and vibrant red hair this world has ever seen!" Elio announces dramatically and my smile widens as I prepare for him to begin the process.

"That's what I like to hear," I reply with a smile as I sit back and allow him to begin.

"How do you think Niall will react?" Elio asks as he lathers the formula on my hair to prepare for the dye.

"I didn't even think about that! What if he hates it?" I ask anxiously as I fumble with my hands in my lap.

"He won't hate it Lilli! Stop being ridiculous," Elio playfully scolds making me smile again.

"He will love it! It's the most you hair colour ever," Elio states and I blush slightly as I continue to smile nervously at Elio in the mirror.

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