sixty nine

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"Niall," I hear her fearful voice mumble through the phone and I feel a sharp pang of guilt in my chest as I realise the severity of the situation.

Lilli is in labour and I'm not there.

"It's okay baby, I'm on my way and I'll be there very soon," I soothe calmly, trying to convince myself just as much as Lillianna whilst offering concerned glances to Paul who is speeding down the road with me in the passenger seat beside him.

Thank fuck he is here with me or else I know for a fact I would be having a severe panic attack.

I was in the middle of a meeting about the promotional aspects of the new golfing company, my eyes growing heavy and my mind wandering away to thoughts about Lilli until I heard a commotion outside the room and the familiar sound of Paul's booming voice.

"You can't tell me what to do! I need to talk to him!"

My ears perked up as I could sense Paul's outrage and although everyone else in the meeting was seemingly ignoring the distant ruckus I couldn't seem to as easily.

Something was clearly wrong.

"I need to speak to Niall now! Let me in! It's about Lillianna! Tell him that Lilli needs him!"

The sound of her name echoed through my ears and instantly I jumped up from my seat at the crowded table, taking everyone in the meeting by surprise and I quickly ran out of the boardroom, ignoring the calls of concern and confusion from Simon's team.

I ran out into the hallway to see Paul at the end of the corridor, yelling at the receptionist and as soon as Paul and I locked eyes I saw a sense of relief flood across his face.

Paul is usually unreadable and in moments of panic he stays calm and is able to reassure us however something was different in his expression.
His forehead was laced with sweat, his eyes widened with anger and I could see stress lines on his face created by his furrowed brows.

"What's wrong? Is Lilli okay? Is the baby okay? Have you been speaking to Lilli?" I asked quickly, running past the confused receptionist and allowing Paul to forcefully grab my shoulder and lead me out of the building, the sound of aggravated employees heckling after me as we climb into his van.

That's when Paul told me that Lilli's water broke and that she is going into labour, his voice shaky as he violently began to start the car engine and speed out of the carpark.

I am 4 hours away and the sky above me is clouded, grey and ominous on this dark December evening, only increasing the nervous tension as Paul and I speak to Harry.

"I'm scared," Lilli cries through the phone and again my heart physically aches as I hold the phone in my hand and bite my nails anxiously with the other.

The sound of monitors beeping and the muffled chatter of the hospital underscore the phone conversation and I can just imagine Lilli's terrified face as she looks around the hospital, the clinical smell strong and the pain unbearable.

"I know baby but stay calm, you are safe and I will be there very soon to hold you in my arms and kiss you and hold your hand," I comfort and I hear a light sniffle in response, followed by Louis' muffled accent and I'm able to make out that they are being led to a small hospital room.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now