fifty nine

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I quickly jump out of the bed, roughly pulling the cover back to see a small stain on Lilli's grey pyjama bottoms and the bedsheets.

It's blood.

"No, no, no, holy fuck," I yell loudly, quickly running over to Lilli's side of the bed as I begin to shake her in an attempt to wake her up.

Her eyes flutter slightly but she's barely conscious, her body laying limp in my arms and I feel burning tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Lilli, wake up, Lilli I need you to wake up," I beg, tears now spilling out of my fearful eyes as I continuously shake her limp body, calling out to Harry and Louis for help.

"W-what's wrong?" Harry asks quickly, running into the bedroom in only his boxers with Louis behind him and his jaw drops as he sees a pale and barely conscious Lilli in my arms.

"No, this can't be happening!" Louis yells in a panic as Harry runs to my side and immediately notices the pool of blood on her crotch.

"Louis quickly call Liam, Zayn and Elio and tell them to meet us at the hospital," Harry instructs, clearly taking charge as I am shaking with fear and Louis is now hysterical.

"She's bleeding Haz," I cry and he nods gently, helping me lift her limp body into my arms but careful not to cause her any more pain.

"We need to get to the hospital," Harry states calmly as he quickly pulls on a pair of shorts and a hoodie whilst I cradle Lilli in my arms, placing delicate kisses on her lips even though I get no response.

"Should I call an ambulance?" I ask quickly and Harry shakes his head, holding the door open for me and grabbing his car keys as we all prepare to leave.

"No it will only attract the paparazzi and I will get us there quicker," Harry explains and although he is talking calmly I can see the abundance of fear in his face every time he looks at her small body in my arms.

Lilli is the most charismatic and lively person I have ever met, her energy is unmatchable and her usual grin and cackling laugh is something the boys and I have become accustomed to.

For somebody so small in size, her spirit is so large and treasured by us so looking at her crumpled and lifeless figure in my arms is the worst thing I have ever seen.

She's eerily cold.

We sit in silence as Harry speeds to the hospital, the only sound being Louis' muffled sobs and my whispers of love to Lilli.

"I need you to be okay baby," I whisper in her ear, tears running off of my face and on to her cheek as I hold her close, trying not to look at the blood stain again.

We run through the carpark, myself cradling Lilli and Harry practically guiding a distraught Louis until we reach the emergency room and I immediately yell loudly for help, gaining serious looks from the workers.

"I need someone to help me please! Please help us," I beg and I notice nurses beginning to walk towards us with concern written all over their faces.

"Sir, please calm down. Everything will be okay," a nurse reassures, placing a hand on my back as she guides us further into the hospital until I see a few doctors standing in the corridor ahead who immediately look our way.

Perfectly Fake ~ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now